Gail's Wonderful Crepes

4 eggs

1 1/2 C,milk

1 1/3 C. flour

2 T. sugar

1/4 tsp. salt

1/4 C. melted butter (or oil)

My favourite is to roll sour cream in centre and pour my pancake syrup over the roll. Jam tastes very Good too. (and sometime I use both jam and syrup) Enjoy :)

Mix dry ingredients first then liquid. Let batter stand for 30 min. Have fry pan med. hot and add alittle oil to cover bottom. Pour enough batter in hot fry pan to just cover the bottom. Twirling the pan so the batter spreads evenly. Keep an eye on it. (doesn't take long to cook less than a minute) Flip the crepe over to cook the other side and serve it in your favourite way. One crepe per person.