Gail's Wonderful Pyrohy's

Maybe it's the Ukrainian in me but Pyrohy's are my favourite among all foods...... (Not the stores.... they don't even have a reasonable facsimile to what a Pyrohy tastes like..... yuck!!)

Pyrohy's are very time consuming and not that cheap to make.(if you use old (more exspensive) cheddar cheese....This really makes the difference. But they are the most tantalizing, morsels you will ever eat.)

There are two steps in making Pyrohy's the noodle dough and the filling.

My best investment in kitchen products is my 24" by 24" piece of 1/8" Maple plywood good both side that I bought at the lumber store. Got my Hubby to sand the edges smooth. Excellent for rolling my dough on and storing the made Pyrohys. (Don't know how I lived without it before.)

Pyrohy Filling

Basic Noodle Dough

3/4 C. of white flour

1 egg

1 tsp. salt

1 T. water

1 tsp. oil

 I always (unless I just need a small amount just to finish filling) take this dough recipe and times it by four. All ingredients should be a Room temperature.


Puts eggs, oil, water and salt in bowl and stir (not beat, beating will make the eggs froth up and we don't want that) Then I put about half the flour in while stirring. It should look like a sticky mess. Add enough flour until the dough pulls for the side of the bowl but still sticky. Put dough onto well floured board (lot of flour on board if dough is real wet ... this is where the remaining flour fits in) Start to knead pulling flour into dough as you knead. When you have finished kneading and the dough is not real sticky put in a plastic bag (or cover it) and let it rest for 10 min. Now it's ready to roll. Cut off a 1/3 to 1/2 of the dough to roll out. Roll out dough evenly to about 1/8 th of a inch.(like in pie crust) Use a glass to cut out circles in the rolled dough. (save the all the extra dough from all your rollings and form a ball and place in plastic to rest...resting the dough makes it easier to roll...) Place the circle on the palm of your hand. Place filling on it, fold over to form half-circle. Press the edges together with your fingers, making sure the edges are free from filling and are completely sealed. (otherwise the filling will come out in the boiling, if the edges don't want to stick together wet your finger and run around the edges then press together) Place Pyrohy on floured tea towel or wooden board, side by side without touching each other. Cover with another tea towel to prevent drying out.(or place in freeze. Then when completely frozen they can be put in freezer bag individually, thaw back on floured board befor cooking) Drop in large pot of boiling salted water. Stir slightly to prevent sticking to the bottom. Waiting for Pyrohys to float to the top and cook 1 min. Strain in a colander. Dip in real butter and serve with lots of sour cream... Or fry bacon and onions and toss pyrohy to coat then serve with sourcream.