The Messenger

A journey started long before
he stood on the footsteps of this church --
from the rural countryside of Mississippi,
some may say down in the Delta,
where hard work and religion are craved in your soul
by the time you are running on your feet.

Passed from generations
of true believers of the Lord's word,
those with strong moral values
that govern the family tree.
With this, a grandmother with a guiding hand,
there was no question where his future would be.

His love and devotion for the Word
is the structure of his life.
His compassion for God's children is from his heart.
He is fair and firm with all,
for he is here for the purpose of the Lord's call,
to deliver God's message to us.

So when he stands before you,
there is more than you see.
Remember the grandmother's hand
that helped shape his character,
the wife by his side,
the long journey from Mississippi.
Thank God for this messenger he sent
to deliver his Word to you and to me.

-- W. E. Gardner III