Northern Ireland Socio-Economic-Religious Statistics

Household Income by Religion in Northern Ireland
Taken from FES Monitor 2/93, Family Spending (UK) 1988 &1992.
Unemployment Rates by Religion in Northern Ireland 1971-1991
Taken from Census of Northern Ireland (1971, 1981 and 1991) and Continuous Household Sample (1985-7)
Religion of Supporters of various Scottish Soccer Teams 1993
Not NI- but related. :- )
Northern Ireland Roman Catholic Male Under- and Over-representation in Occupations 1911 and 1971
Source: Census Data in R. Cormack and R. Osborne "The Evolution of a Catholic Middle Class" in A Guelke (ed) (1994) "New Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Conflict"
Northern Ireland Roman Catholic Female Under- and over-representation in Occupations 1911 and 1971
Source: Census Data in R. Cormack and R. Osborne "The Evolution of a Catholic Middle Class" in A Guelke (ed) (1994) "New Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Conflict"
Occupational Over- and Under-representation of Northern Ireland Roman Catholics 1991
Source: Census Data in R. Cormack and R. Osborne "The Evolution of a Catholic Middle Class" in A Guelke (ed) (1994) "New Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Conflict"

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