Editorial #2: The Best Kind of Publicity

It seems that Rob and I have been doing something right when it comes to GW, because in the short time since we've been online, people are starting to notice us. We've been very lucky in that we're getting to interview some pretty famous people...comic creators in his case, fantasy/sci-fi authors in mine. And I believe these people, when mentioning these interviews in their online journals or on their webpages, are giving us much-needed publicity.

When GW is mentioned on a website or in a journal, I think two different kinds of people are targeted.

The first is the fan. Fans of Fiona Avery or Pamela Dean Dyer Bennet, just to name a couple, are going to visit the journals or websites, see the link and jump at the chance of reading another interview with someone they admire. Upon doing that, they might decide to check out the rest of GW, and if they like what they see, there's a good chance they'll mention it to their friends, who'll mention it to their friends and so on and so forth.

The second kind of person who is targeted is the colleague. I discovered this only recently, actually, when I was approached by a fantasy author who read the interview I had done with Josepha Sherman. This author, Susan Shwartz is a colleague/co-author of Ms Sherman and emailed me to express an interest in being interviewed as well.

It had never really occurred to me that the people Rob and I have been interviewing would turn around and tell their colleagues about GW. I don't know why I didn't think of it; perhaps it's because I never really considered that there is more to this than meets the eye.

I think GW is slowing gaining a readership, and I hope that readership isn't dissatisfied in any way when they visit this website. It's not always easy, and we realize that parts of the site aren't up and running yet, but Rob and I are working hard to make this magazine the best we can. Yes, we shamelessly talk about GW in our journals and to our friends, but we're not doing all the work when it comes to getting people to notice us.

I firmly believe that word-of-mouth is the best publicity out there.

Becca L.

October 29, 2003

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