
Copyright © 1998 Azam Rasidi & Tanglimara. All rights reserved. No graphics, images or html documents in this website, in whole or in part, are to be reproduced, transcribed, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system or translated into any other pages in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the express written knowledge of Azam Rasidi. Any resemblance to any graphic or idea not from this home page is purely coincidental.

This homepage is an unofficial document and does not represent information endorsed, supported or authorized by the Malaysian Government, the Ministry of Defence, the Malaysian Armed Forces, Grup Gerak Khas, Paskal, PGK or the Special Forces Directorate. Most information is derived from sources that has been checked for accuracy. In fact, information in this homepage was compiled and collected from various sources that is available to the general public. However, I accepts no responsibility in the correctness of data displayed or referenced herein.

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