Well, how could a web page be complete 
without mentioning the world champ woman 
surfer, Lisa Anderson. Not only is she 
arguably the most skilled woman surfer
ever, but her story is also and inspiration
to us all. Everyone knows about her 
running away from her home in Florida 
when she was 16 to come to Claifornia 
and surf. She slept on the beaches
and worked jobs as a waitress and ice
cream scooper to make enough money to 
survive. It wasn't very long until her
surfing ability was discovered and she 
rose to her place as repeated world champion.
However, her reign is being challenged
this year by Ausie Layne Beachley. Good
luck, Lisa.

Rob    Machado

Rob Machado was born in Sydney,
Australia, but is currently 
living in Cardiff, CA.
5'10"  140lbs
Loves Speghetti, Mexican,
and Japanese food.
Is an awesome guitar player
and has just come out with a 
CD called The Surfers, Songs 
From the Pipe.