1-They thinks letters are gay.

2-They thinks sleepovers are a bunch of crap.

3-The only thing they all (okai...let's say most of them) think about is that 3 letters' word: S-E-X.

4-They'd rather watch football, hockey, soccer or an xxx rated movie then being with you.

5-When they say "I don't know" you can say that meant "NO".

6-If they ever tell you "I'll call ya later" don't freak out, they never call back.

7-They fart and think that's actually funny (Hello? Is there something wrong in there?)

8-They are afraid of saying "I love you".

9-They are afraid to show their feelings.

10-They are afraid of giving flowers to their girlfriends.

11-And they pretend to be afraid of nothing.

* And we adore them anyway...how pathetic :) *

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