ThiS pAGe Is UndER DesPErAte cONstruCtIOn.

Desperate times call for

So give Gerry a call.. g.cohen-stone@cant.ac.uk

"A G e r r y C o P r o d u c t i o n

Hi - SO YOU WANT TO KNOW A BIT MORE ABOUT ME, EH? Well, I was a "mature" (stop laughing at the back) Student of English and Religious Studies,at
Christ Church College, Canterbury

- where I served as one of the Chapel wardens up to June '97 and where there's an excellent thriving Chapel,so click
for C4 Chapel Homepage

or for news of their wonderful Christian Union, click here
for C4 Christian Union Homepage

I'm now back at the College as a "Note-Taker" for some disabled students - like it says in Habbakuk 2:2,
"Write the vision plainly"
.. so I'm doing that..
I'm also a founder-member of the first "JEWISH SOCIETY"
here at Christ Church College - for further details about that please mail directly to..
Jewish Society@cant.ac.uk

You could even click on this.. for the JSOC HOMEPAGE

Our desire for the Jewish Society is to encourage dialogue between people of all faiths and /or none.. with or without Jewish background.. we're hoping to meet together probably fortnightly for secular and spiritual input..
Sometimes we'll be discussing Jewish festivals, other times looking at events in Israel's modern history.. sometimes we'll just be swapping excellent recipes.
I might be teaching some of us some Hebrew worship songs - look out - the Kosher Crooner's about!

I live by the sea, at:
48 Ethelbert Road
My phone number is (01843) 230751
or you can page me..01532 779428 or even e-mail me on the link at the top of this page
Please remember.. that money is the last thing on my mind.. I charge a very basic amount somehow proportional to the distance travelled, kind of....

I have been involved in ministering in many places around Britain.

I've been to schools, churches, youth groups, retirement homes ... all kinds of places -
but have I seen you?

Contacting me won't cost much - and you never know...
A funny thing might happen on the way to Heaven...

I'm worship leader at St Paul's Church in Margate..
I became a Christian in 1971... more on that in a few paragraphs..
I was born into a Jewish family in North London, and as you might have noticed, if you've contacted me before, there's been a change in my signature on my e-mail.
My family name, up until 1st March 1946 was "COHEN" - and I've been thinking about this for a number of years.
My father changed the name for business reasons and I've always wanted to return to that original name.
The first step in that has been to incorporate "Cohen" into my name and eventually I'll drop the "Stone"..
You might wonder why I'd do something radical like this, but it's partly to emphasise the fact that when I became a follower of Jesus, or "Y'shua" as His friends would have called Him, I didn't stop being Jewish. Paul, who was a Jewish man in the first century wrote in a letter to the followers of Y'shua in Corinth that when people respond to God's call to follow Him they shouldn't try and become anything different just because the person next to them in church is from a particular background.
What that simply means is that Jesus Christ may well be in the process of changing me, transforming me by His love.. but when He called His first followers, He celebrated the Jewish festivals as they also did because He and they were Jewish.. God knows us individually.. have a look at Psalm 139 for proof of that! and He shows us His truth individually in the way that we can best understand, if we ask Him.
You can wake up now - sermon is over.. and look - it's a miracle!

Well.. what made the difference?

Why not check the page below..
after all.. Once a Cohen, always a Cohen..

After more than 25 years I'm still a "practicing" Christian
(one that's trying to get it right..)

As a man called Keith Green said once... "Going to Church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to MacDonalds makes you a hamburger!!" ..

Amazing Counter Test System times..
MEANWHILE BACK AT THE HOMEPAGE...and other places of interest..


Latest(ish)info on Gerry's whereabouts

Contact the Kosher Crooner..

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