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This is my husband (Aladdin) with our cat "Beauty".

This is my brother-in-law Don with our dog "Penny".

Here is our oldest son David with his wife Devie.

Our second oldest son Bryan.

Here is a 4 generation ladies of our family. Mom, Pam, Beth, Avery.


Hi There!
Welcome to my Photo Album! On this webpage I am going to have some pics that I took with my digital camera so you can get to know my family, friends and I a little better. I hope that you enjoy them!

This is my niece Kylie and my nephew Randall and myself.

This is my brother Randy with his daughter Kylie.

This is a picture of Randys' wife Jane.

This is our son Mark who is in the US Army, stationed in Savannah, Georgia at the present time.

This is where I spend all my time.... working on my website, surfing the net, chatting with friends, spending time with my sisters in the Lord.... etc.

These are some of our friends; some new ones we have known for onkly a year or so and some we have known for years.

This is our Pastor Gerry and his wife Karen. You could not meet more dedicated and loving ministers!

This is the Assembly of God church in Running Springs. A wonderful church with lots of love pouring from every heart.

This was the first skit we did at Running Springs Assembly. It is called "Pew Snatchers".

This is Angie; she used to live next door to me. She also went to the same church as I do. She has moved to Arkansas. A wonderful lady!

This is a friend of my husband and me named Don. He is a good Christian man that loves the Lord with his whole heart; and now he is in heaven with Jesus. We sure miss him!

This is our house. It is located in the San Bernardino mountains. We moved here on September 3,2002.

This is the kitchen and living room in our new house. My brother Randy is in the kitchen getting ready to feed his face.

This is our fireplace in our new home. This was our first fire on September 28,2002.

Go to the next page and see the beauty of living in the mountains!