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many varied categories.
What follows are pages related to
places i have lived or live in and
have been visiting.
These are Corpus
Christi links from farenthold publishing, not really up to date.
these links are less up to date.
relate to the city that founded the 'heaven-o' movement.
info on the town i live in
A city page
on McAllen, one of my favorite day trip places.
on Harligen's pride and joy: the RGV whitewings of Harlingen, Texas.
on Harlingen ,Texas, a city i went to college to years ago.
One of very few
pages on falfurrias, texas, one of the unsung heroes
of legendary texas cities.
Hopefully by year's end i will post a heaven-o
an anime links page,
and a Corpus christi images page on the web somewhere....
Come and visit my other noteworthy home pages
The Incorporateds
fiction page :stories written by myself about anthorpormorphs living in the
1970's who fight the misguided minions of the Sangurian empire across
milky way. Hope you come and see it!
The home page linking all
known pages i currently have
A chupacabra links and
information page.
P.S. these are my favorite IRC
#ranma! - #ufo - #babylon5 - #rgvc -
#houston #sat (san antonio)
#html - #mk4 - #ufo - #houston
go to my main home page....
on the efnet servers,,,,, and
other fine Efnet irc servers.
thank you #ranma! for caring when i felt blue.... you are all in my
debt.And absolutely finally,
Here is a list of some free/pay telnet sites
i've found on the internet as of 8/6/97
telnet:// 23 (free), telnet
telnet:// 23 (free), telnet at midnight
telnet:// 23 (free) telnet
telnet:// 23 (limited demo)
telnet:// 23 (limited free demo access)
telnet:// 23 (pay, limited free demo access)
telnet:// 23 (free, home pages..hmmm)
telnet:// 23 (free, varied bbs nets)
telnet:// 23 (internet for pay, wwivnet)
k e e p w a t c h i n g t h e s k i e s