I. Pray
II. Read Psalm 119:9-16 aloud to the class
III. Ask the class “What does the word ‘clean’ mean?”
A. Listen to various responses; ask the children to write them on their worksheets.
B. Read the regular dictionary and Bible dictionary definitions of the word “clean”. Note that they are very similar.
C. Ask the children to name ways to get clean after they have been playing or working.
1. “How long can you stay clean?”
2. “Why is it important to wash the dirt off?”
D. Ask the children to name ways to become clean Christians. You will be looking for responses such as:
1. get saved
2. read the Bible
3. pray
4. confess sins
5. repent
6. memorize Scripture
E. Tell the children that the blood of Jesus doesn’t just hide our sin; it removes our sin and cleanses us. (Hebrews 9:22)
F. To remain clean we need the “washing of the water of the word.” (Ephesians 5:26)The word of God cleanses us by revealing to us our sins. We confess the sin to God and He forgives us, thereby cleansing us. (1 John 1:9)
IV. Ask the children to think of ways to stay clean Christians. Look for certain responses. Fill in what they leave out or guide their responses.
A. Confess and repent
B. Learn what God wants you to do
1. Study the Bible
2. Obey the Bible
3. Share Jesus with others
4. Memorize verses
5. Pray for wisdom and strength
V. Ask the children, “Why be a clean Christian?” Look for certain responses. Fill in what they leave out or guide their responses.
A. to resist the devil (temptation)
B. to get closer to God
C. to keep a good testimony before others
D. to lead others to Christ
VI. Work on the Memory Verses
Memory Verses:
Psalm 119:11 “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”
Psalm 119:9 “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to the word of God.”
Learn God’s word
Encourage others
Ask God for help
Never stop praying