Professor Ghulam Azam

On March 25'1971 Awami League leaders saved their own lives. They did not think for the lives of innocent people. Awami League chief Sheikh Mujibur Rahman made the situation more complicated surrendering to the Pakistan Army. He gave the impression that he was not in favor of independence. indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi said that she did not understand Sheikh Mujib. She wondered how a general could surrender to the enemy after declaring war.Tajuddin and others declared the independence with the help of Indian Govt. Indian involvement created frustration in the mind of the people and the politicians inside the country. They apprehended that India would enslave the country. More than 80% of the people thought that India would swallow East Pakistan. Their fear came true. Now New Delhi is subjugating Dhaka indirectly through the agents. Maolana Abdul Hamid JKhan Bhasani went to India to take part in the Freedom Fighting, but he was put under house arrest. Rashed Khan Menon, now the leader of the Worker's Party, alongwith Haidar Akbar Rono went to India for the same purpose. Tajuddin suspected them and did not accord permission to take part in the struggle. Kazi Zafar , who became the prime minister during President Ershad regime also went to India. He too was refused permission. How Ghulam Azam could cross the border?

In such a situation Ghulam Azam could not remain passive to the woes and sufferings of people at the hands of the military.He joined peace committee formed by all the Political Parties and saved hundreds irrespective of political affiliations. He used to criticise vehemently military actions. A preacher on the way of Allah can never remain silent when people are suffering. Risking his own life Prof Azam saved lives of many including Awami League supporters. He saved houses and villages from destruction.He changed to some extent the outlook of the civil and military officials and public who had the opportunity to listen to him.

Ghulam Azam did not build up Razakar, Al-Badar Bahini, though his opponents blamed him for doing so.He was a civilian and a politician dedicated to the cause of Islam and Muslim. He was never in the service of the government, nor did he represent the govt. How could he help raise such a force? Razakar and Al-badar Bahini worked under East Pakistan police.

This was the role of prof. Ghulam Azam in the 1971 war.

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