Professor Ghulam Azam

As a student leader of the Dhaka University Professor Ghulam Azam was directly involved with our Language movement from the very beginning of the indepedence of Pakistan from the British. He was General Secretary of Dhaka University Central Students Union (DUCSU).

For the cause of language he was arrested on March 11 1948 from T.T Office along with 10 to 12 students. He is the man who presented the Historic Memorandum to the then Prime Minister of the Pakistan Mr. Liakat Ali Khan on Nov.27'1948 at the Gymnesium ground, Dhaka on behalf of the students of the Dhaka University. The memorandum was written by Late Justice Abdur Rahman Chowdhury.

Late Mohammad Toha ( Leader of the Communiost Party) said, Agitiated people encircled the students distributing the leaflets on Bangla language. The situation was very difficult. The students felt helpless. Ghulam Azam couragously came forward and saved the situation. He explained the benefits of the language to them. Soon the angry masses became calm and quite. Mr. Azam was a meritorious student. He was gentle and amiable.

Kazi Golam Mahbub ( convenor of the all party Committee for the language movement) said, Ghulam Azam, Maulavi Farid Ahmed everyone has contribution. They directly participated in the language movement. But nobody is ready to acknowledge the contribution of others. Ghulam Azam was a student of character and an ideal student.

The Memorandum will be published here soon.

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