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Donnie's Den

Q: Tell me about your character.

A: Deputy Glen is new to Refuge. He's more hot-headed than the other townspeople, who have been there longer and are more at peace. Glen hasn't quite come to terms with the rules of Refuge and Blackjack's gang makes the process very difficult for him.

Q: Why did you decide to be part of this project?

A: Western is something I dreamed about doing as a kid. This film gave me the chance to do it with fantastic people. Working with Sam Shepard was a great thrill for me.

Q: What's the message behind the film?

A: When Blackjack and his gang arrive, it's a test for everyone - the good guys and the bad guys. The story is about the good and evil inside you. You have to choose between right and wrong inside yourself. The film gives this positive message without watering down the classic Western.

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