Delaware Institute of Technology
Box 33, Rockland, Delaware 19732-0033
United States of America
__________I play guitars, keyboards, mandolin, and I sing tenor and baratone. I Play Steinberger guitars fitted with Roland MIDI equipment, and Ensoniq TS-10 keys, in a soon to be world class country music band. In addition to Music Recording, and Performance, Chess, Flying, and Surfing the Internet, I also dance on Ice and/or Roller Skates. I Pioneered Viet Nam with the First Air Cavalry Division at An Khe, Republic of Viet Nam, (Camp Radcliff) did not exist when I arrived. I helped create it!!! It (The "Golf Course") was the largest Helicopter base of operations in the world. I returned to Delaware in September of 1966 after two tours of duty as a conscript. Before the Fun Travel and Adventure in SE. Asia, I did duty with the First Infantry Division (Hq. & Hq. Co. 2d. BG. 26th. Inf.) in Berlin, Germany. (Long Thrust Exercise, from Fort Riley, Kansas) 1964. As a "Blue Spader" In the "Big Red One" I was the Photographer for the Battle Group. Please come back often, as this page is always subject to addendum and improvements. -30-