J. Robert Beaver


Delaware Institute of Technology
Box 33, Rockland, Delaware 19732-0033

United States of America

__________I play guitars, keyboards, mandolin, and I sing tenor and baratone. I Play Steinberger guitars fitted with Roland MIDI equipment, and Ensoniq TS-10 keys, in a soon to be world class country music band. In addition to Music Recording, and Performance, Chess, Flying, and Surfing the Internet, I also dance on Ice and/or Roller Skates. I Pioneered Viet Nam with the First Air Cavalry Division at An Khe, Republic of Viet Nam, (Camp Radcliff) did not exist when I arrived. I helped create it!!! It (The "Golf Course") was the largest Helicopter base of operations in the world. I returned to Delaware in September of 1966 after two tours of duty as a conscript. Before the Fun Travel and Adventure in SE. Asia, I did duty with the First Infantry Division (Hq. & Hq. Co. 2d. BG. 26th. Inf.) in Berlin, Germany. (Long Thrust Exercise, from Fort Riley, Kansas) 1964. As a "Blue Spader" In the "Big Red One" I was the Photographer for the Battle Group. Please come back often, as this page is always subject to addendum and improvements. -30-

I've been there, done that...

Another Link to ME!!!
My RaveNet site is UNDER CONSTRUCTION...
The President at The White House
Genetic things...
USNO (WWV) Time check (Cesium Standard)
MORE, More, more...
Those oldies but goodies...
Get Serious Religious Resources, The TRUTH!!!

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