With her backpack still in tow on her weary shoulders, Remy made her way towards her little red Honda in the almost deserted parking lot of the college. She was tired... she was hungry... and she wanted to go home right now!! Without another thought, she dug out her keys from her left pocket and stretched out her hand to grasp the handle of the car. But before her fingers touched the cool metal a strange feeling of awareness radiated throughout her body... something was happening... but what?

Her body felt numb and the keys she held dropped to the floor with a *clunk* just as a blue light surrounded her. The color grew in intensity enveloping her in it's radiance.

*nani?* she thought, *what the...*

The light increased...

She couldn't see the parking lot...

She couldn't see her car...

She couldn't see her fingers... heck, she couldn't even *feel* her fingers.

She was just...there. And then she wasn't...

*****Somewhere in the outskirts of Konan Country*****

Blue light faded, replacing its briliance with the body of a short, very stressed, college freshman. She eyed her surroundings, carefully taking in the large trees and the worn road leading to a...village? A very *old* village...?

A little disorientated, she murmered the very first thing that came into her head:

"All right, where the hell is my car?!"