She was drifting. It was warm and safe. Nothing could hurt her here. It had worked. She have given her other half control, and she had what she wanted. They were leaving her alone. They weren't blaming her for anything. She wasn't being taken away.




No... this wasn't right. She... she was alone!

No. This is wrong! I shouldn't be alone! I wanted to go back! I wanted to go back to the way things were before. I didn't want to be alone. Oh, kami-sama... what have I just done? I've let the devil loose of my own accord. My friends... Nyx... Remy... she won't care that they're my friends! Oh, kami-sama! Creator! Why did you let me do it? How could I be so weak? I let her out again. I was too absorbed in myself to realize what I was doing. She kill everyone that I care about...


The warmth was now smothering her. A prison. A prison of her own design. The darkness loomed all around her. Oh, kami-sama! What have I done? What have I done?!? I can't... I can't let this happen...

Celly struggled to free herself to no avail. She had let her otherself out of her own free will. It was not like the other times when Terra had been the intruder in her body. Their places were now switched. Terra would always be able to force her back, no matter how hard she tried to push out and reclaim her place. She would never have total control, not unless Terra withdrew of her own free will.

Yeah, right. The day Terra withdrew would be the day Hotohori-sama shaved his head.

Still, perhaps she could capture control, if only for a little bit.

She opened her eyes.

Before her eyes was a scene out of her worst nightmares. Susanne was cowered on the ground, vainly holding up her glaive.

*"You can't ignore it for long."* Celly felt her otherself say.

*"I can ignore anything. Ask my sister."*

*"Kimi wo, kimo wo, ai shiteru,"* her otherself sang quietly. Celly stared as Hotohori no Otaku visibly winced. She could read Terra's thoughts. Oh, kami-sama! She going to try to force Susanne out of the Game! I can't allow this to happen! Celly exerted her will and planted a thought into Terra's mind. You don't have the time. You have to go. There's no time. The thought slipped in easily and was accepted.

*"Sorry to cut this short, but I must be on my way."* Celly could feel as her otherself raised her hand. Kuso! I didn't think about that! Too late now! The blast fired from her outstretched hand and slammed into Susanne, knocking her back some distance. Her otherself nodded once then moved on.

I did it! I have the ability to control Terra a little! This might be the way I get control of my body again!