Milton could barely believe his eyes. Where had Chichiri No Otaku gone? The melody which the little brown mouse sung with the whole of it's heart made his own break. Poor thing. I feel your loss, my friend. I fear I have lost my beloved as well.

Everyone who had witnessed the events of the passing munites were all in shock. News crews who had been reporting live on the Matterhorn were already setting shop.

A young boy wearing a Mickey Mouse hat tugged on his father's arm and pointed at Milton.

"What is it, Johnny?" the boy's father asked as he lifted his son over his shoulders. "Daddy, why is that man wearing a towel?" the boy squealed rather loudly.

The Gangrel felt his neck and cheeks grow bright red.

People heard the boy and stopped to stare at the half naked man dripping wet from head to toe.

Oh, Jesus Ch- he began. He made use to his obfuscate ability and vanished from their sight. Invisibility was the most incognito way to go. He didn't want to pull a vanishing act infront of all of those T.V. cameras, but it had left his mind that he was not properly dressed for Southern California. In their eyes, his costume WAS nothing more than a large bath towel.

I'd better get some decent clothes before something happens.

"Hey! Where'd the towel guy go?" A new's reporter cried.

"Daddy, daddy!" the little boy was pointing sky-ward. "Birdie!"

A large ominous shadow fell over Fanatsy Land.


Milton glanced up. It was Malkivian and Nyx was on its back. It circled the Small World sight twice around then headed towards Adventure Land.

I musn't let her escape my grasp. Milton dashed to Adventure Land. Because he was Kindred, he was able to travel at the speed of thought and found himself facing the Indian Jones ride and...a clothing shop.

Comfortable. Light and managable.

The Gangrel Primogen walked out of the Adventure Land clothing shop. [editor's note: can't you just hear the Indian Jone's theme song playing?] Now I can walk amongst the natives without looking like a fool. He one again made himself visible.

"Hey, mommy! It's Indiana Jones!" A little girl squealed with delight.

"Whoa! What a babe!" another voice cried out.

"Can I have your autograph?"

A crowd began to form in front of the shop.

"It's just an actor, honey," the little girl's mother assured her.

The shop keeper left the counter and saw what was happening. "Hey! Did you pay for that?"

Uh-oh. Milton grabbed the coiled whip which hungas decoration on one of the wooden posts. With a flick of his wrist, the whip coiled up on the nearby Swiss Family Robinson tree house.




The crowd "ooh-ed" and "aah-ed." Applause and cheers roared as the patrons thought it was all part of a gimic/act put on by the theme park. Milton stood on the stable tree branch.

Nyx? Where are you?

"Looking for me, big boy?" Nyx's voice boomed out from above as a torrent of flames shot out from the sky and singed the branch which Milton had been standing on.



Milton safely landed on another branch.

Malkivian hovered overhead.

The crowd continued to cheer.

"Victoria!" he shouted. "What are you doing?!?" The woman's laughter froze his heart.

"Your percious Victoria is gone, wizard. I shall be rid of you soon. But for now, I will spare your life. I have other matters at hand to attend to." Malkivian drew back and as its rider tugged violently at its reins.


"Cool, man!"

"How'd they, like, DO that?"

Milton blocked out the amazement of the crowd below and watched as the creature which was once his wife, sought her next target.

"I will keep you at bay, witch. If I must sacrifice myself."
