Dionysus ran through the park, his eyes scanning every place he thought Celly could be.

"Shimatta! Where is she?!?"

Numerous explosions sounded through the park. And Dionysus leapt to the top of the Space Mountain to get a better view. He could see two major battles taking place. One was at Sleeping Beauty's Castle, which had the top ripped off of it... the second, more violent one, was taking place at It's A Small World, where the clock tower had blown up. Dionysus could tell there were more Otaku there.

"Kuso... I can't sense Celly well because of Terra's interference. It's a fifty-fifty shot, Dionysus." Dionysus mentally flipped a coin an ran for It's A Small World.

As he made his way there, he saw a huge dragon wheel in the air and fly towards Big Thunder Mountain. His sharp eyes spotted an Otaku on its back, an Otaku hanging in its jaws, and a man dressed like Indian Jones holding onto a whip wrapped around the dragon's leg.

He cursed and changed directions.

"They should make movies out of this sort of stuff..." he muttered to himself.
