Celly laughed in glee as she watched Tasuki no Otaku get slammed repeatedly into the rocks of Big Thunder Mountain. She was watching everything take place from a safe distance. This was better than Prime Time! Her purposes were being served here. Chichiri no Otaku had been removed from the Game, however temporarily and Tasuki no Otaku would be soon to follow.

Her eyes narrowed as she saw Milton save Tasuki no Otaku's life and move to fight Nakago no Otaku himself.

"What the...?!? Guardians aren't allowed to interfere in the fights between Otaku!" she exclaimed, mostly to herself. Then she thought for a moment and smiled. "Well, if he manages to win I won't have to deal with Nakago no Otaku either. This should be fun. A lover's quarrel..."

Celly felt a twinge of pain in her chest as she thought of that. Nani? She asked herself. I am not wounded... where is this pain coming from?


Trapped in her mind, Celly was screaming in frustration. All these people... all this destruction... I can't let this go on! She focused back and nearly wept when she saw Nyx and Milton fighting each other.

Why? Why? This shouldn't be happening! Kami-sama help us all. I have to get out... I have to get out...

Celly vainly tried to break through the wall separating herself from her otherself to no avail. Apparently Terra had guarded her back door and set up mental barriers specifically designed to keep Celly out. Celly pounded on the wall, trying to force it open with the strength of her will alone.

It's not enough, she thought desperately, sinking to her knees. I'm not strong enough. I just can't fight my way out! I'm not strong enough!

::Strength is it, you need?::

Celly turned to face the wavering voice and was confronted by another who had been trapped in this hellish existence. You...

::Yes, I was trapped here as well.::

But... but... you're the Moderator! You should have greater strength than *her*.

::True. But I did not have the strength to overcome you both. I could have dealt with Terra, I could have dealt with you, but I could not do both. You must remember that you rejected me even more than Terra did::

Of course I did! You were trying to take me away from my life, my family! I wasn't about to let myself get possessed by some omnipotent force!

:::Therein lies the problem. I have lost all my abilities here in the accursed Astral Plane. It was with my last strength that I was able to call Dionysus to take my place.::

You were the one who called him?!?


Shimatta. Now both of us are trapped here! This is hopeless! We'll never be able to break out and get rid of Terra!

::Alone, no. But together we are strong enough to defeat her.::

Nani? Oh, no way! I didn't want you in my head in the first place! There's no way I'm willingly adding the number of multiple personalities I already have!

::But if you merge with me, you will have my strength as well. I vow to not interfere directly. You will merely have my knowledge and power.::

So you'll be a backseat personality? No screwing with my mind? No making me do weird things?

::No. You will be able to continue in your duties as Otaku with no intervention from me.::

Celly thought for a long time. She looked at the outside world and tears sparkled in her eyes as she saw Nyx kill Milton without a care. She could feel her other self stepping forward to challenge Nyx... her friend! Cold resolve filled her soul.

I agree. I cannot allow this to continue. I have to fight back against Terra... any way I can!

The Moderator nodded and the two beings trapped in a similar mind moved towards each other. As the Moderator merged with Celly's being, she gasped. Celly could feel the power and knowledge the Moderator held. It nearly flooded all of her senses. But, as promised, the Moderator placed herself in the back of her mind, not to interfere.

Celly opened her eyes again and began to attack the mental wall with new resolve.
