Oh wow... I thought those two were friends...

Nyx and Celly were now fighting, and she could hear the crashing as their blades met. They seemed intent on their war, and they didn't notice as the blonde girl backed slowly away and began running.

She had heard the explosions, but this... she surveyed the wreckage of what was once Sleeping Beauty's Castle, ducking behind a popcorn machine as a pair of cops swaggered past. Susanne was somewhere nearby...

She ran around to the side, climbing over and around the rubble that filled the pass between the Castle and the Matterhorn. Behind the castle, she saw Roger sitting on the ground near the carousel, and Susanne standing nearby, brushing herself off, as if she's just stood up.

Susanne felt her presence and swung around. "Meredith! I was getting worried!" She looked around nervously. "Celly left me, and I thought she might be going after you... then, Nyx carried Mercy off and don't look at me like that!!!"

"Celly and Nyx are fighting."

"Baking powder?"

She shrugged. "They're fighting. I thought they were friends, too. But..."

"Celly's not herself. Nyx is crazy anyway. What about everyone else?"

"Anaeara's... not here," Zeke said, walking up behind Meredith. "She sort of disappeared, and Orpheus turned back into a mouse. I haven't seen Kristsi or Kell."

"They must be here... everyone's here... I think... What about Mercy?"

Meredith shook her head. "Nyx beat her up, and there's no way we can get her back without Nyx and Celly seeing us."

Susanne sat back down next to Roger and put her head on her hands. She could hear the police trying to evacuate everyone, having little success with the TV crews. Parents were calling for children, kids were crying for their parents. An ambulance siren wailed as it pulled out with an injured person. The carriage horse whinnied. Its driver had probably bailed, leaving it in the street.

Susanne looked up. "Maybe there is a way..."