"Shimatte," Susanne said quietly as she looked at the horse. It was still attached to the carriage that it pulled around the park all day, and the carriage had gotten caught in some rocks. "Help me!" she called to the others as she jumped down from the rubble and made her way over.

She rolled a couple rocks out of the way, but the horse kept trying to pull away. It was working against her. She went around to the front and siezed the reins. The draft horse tugged against her grasp, but she stood still, making calming noises and gently pulling its head down. She rubbed its neck slowly and kept speaking until she saw its eyelids droop slightly and it stopped fidgeting.

Roger, Meredith, and Zeke were already at work, moving rocks away from the carriage.

Susanne spoke softly to the huge horse and ran her hands along its back and down its legs. She cursed silently in several languages as she felt the injury in the off fore knee. The horse tossed its head and lifted the leg up. Susanne continued speaking, humming bits of songs when she couldn't think of words to say. She held her hands over the knee and concentrated. She could feel the injury herself, now... a painful bruise in her right wrist... it must have tripped over one of those rocks when the castle fell around it.

I'm sorry... she thought to it. That was my fault.

The horse nickered softly and took its foot from her hands, setting it firmly on the ground.

"It's out!" Roger called.

Susanne looked. Indeed, the carriage was now free. She climbed exhaustedly up in the driver's seat, taking up the reins in her left hand and keeping her right in her lap. The less she jiggled it, the less the wrist hurt. The others hopped in after her, and with a shake of the reins, they were off.