Celly watched helplessly as Nyx and her otherself fought each other with a skill that would make most blade masters quiver in fear. However, she used Terra's distraction to her advantage. I just need to break out at the right time... she told herself. She needs to be distracted for a split second, and then I can break free temporarily.

Celly was no idiot. She could tell from the way Nyx was acting that she wasn't exactly herself. She could kill. She could maim. But she wouldn't do it for no reason.

"Don't tell me that we've got another MPD case amongst the Otaku," she mumbled to herself as she continued to follow the battle. "I have to get out there! I have to bring Nyx back... she's my friend... I owe it to her after the way she stayed with me..."

Celly continued to batter at the mental wall separating herself from the physical world.


The fight between Celly and Nyx is brutal, as both are experienced fighters with absolutely no hesitation in taking out their opponents anyway they can. As Celly is dodging one of Nyx's downward slashes, she throws out her hand, firing off a quick blast of energy into the fuku-clad girl's chest. The result was not what Nyx expected. Instead of flying back or crumpling in pain, Celly's eyes flash and she turns on her heel and suddenly attacks Nyx. Nyx was not expecting the move, but managed to sidestep and cut her across the stomach. Celly falls to her knees, holding in her stomach. Nyx stands over her and lifts the sword for the beheading stroke. Celly tries a final desperate move. She lifts her sword and tries to stab Nyx in the stomach. She sees this move coming and blocks it, knocking Celly's sword out of her hand.


Celly sees the opportunity. Terra is filled with pain from her stomach wound. Celly throws everything into her fist and slams it into the mental wall. There is a tremendous cracking and sound... and suddenly Celly is in her body again.


Nyx again raises her sword for the final stroke, but pauses as she hears Celly scream in two voices. She stares at the fuku-clad girl, who is holding her wound in both hands, hunched over and screaming. She didn't cry out in pain before, Nyx wonders as she freezes in her position.

Tears spring forth into Celly's eyes. Oh, kami-sama! It hurts so bad! Her hands are clutched against her wound and she bites her lip to keep from screaming in pain again. Out of the corner of her eyes, Celly sees that Nyx has stopped her assault. Pushing past the pain in her stomach, Celly goes into a tumble that takes her a short distance away from Nyx and her blade.

The pain stops.

Celly takes a moment to look down while conjuring her blade back to her right hand. Though her hands are covered in blood, as well as the material of her fuku, the wound is gone!

"Alright!" Celly exclaims, then winces. Her hand comes up and she feels that the shiner around her eye has returned again. I'll worry about that later, Celly told herself as she faced Nyx again. I have to use this opportunity as best I can!

With a cry, Celly charges the confused trenchcoated girl. Nyx barely brings her blade down to block Celly's attack. As Celly nimbly dances back to avoid Nyx's strokes, Nyx feels her anger boil up. How dare this girl make a mockery of her! She goes for an extended thrust, but goes too far. She is off balance.

Celly takes this opportunity to duck under Nyx's outstretched blade. In less than a second, she has moved directly in front of Nyx. Celly draws her hand back...
