"Susanne! Hey, wait up!"

Susanne waved her left hand to signal Mercy to be quiet. That scream had been infinitely unnerving, and if that wasn't bad enough, Susanne could feel that something was very not right. It must be Celly for her to feel it this strongly. She wasn't sure what had happened, but she knew that she wanted to put some distance between them.

Mercy jumped up on the carriage and sat down next to Roger. Meredith and Zeke looked to be deep in conversation near the back of the ride.

"I have but one question," Roger said quietly. "Where the hell is your Guardian??"

Mercy looked around, remembering Orion. She shrugged. "Like I know? I spend more time unconscious than awake. He doesn't do much good, does he?"

There was silence as Roger looked out at the scenery.

He knows better. I know he knows better.

Maybe something happened, Susanne thought back distractedly. She was trying to pay attention to Roger, the horse, and Celly, all at the same time, while trying to pinpoint Kristsi and Remy.

"Come on, darlin, just a little faster," she cooed to the horse. It obediently upped its pace from a slow jog to a not-quite-as-slow jog as they made their way up Main Street.

They reached the roundabout, and Susanne pulled up on the reins and jumped out. Everyone slowly followed suit. They could no longer hear Celly and Nyx fighting.

"There, off you go," Susanne said, patting the horse.

She had taken the trappings of the carriage off, and the horse shook its head gratefully, but it did not leave.

"I haven't got any water or food for you, you know. Go on, go home."

She gave it a gentle shove.

"Go on already! Leave! Please!"

Roger laughed as he watched. "Looks like you've got a new pet!"

"Oh, yeah, mom'll love this. Will you please go away!"

She sighed and started walking away, but the horse followed.

Everyone laughed at Susanne's frustration.

"It's not funny! What if he gets hurt?"

"Who got hurt? What?"

"Kristsi!" Meredith called enthusiastically.

"Hi! I'm glad you're all okay. It felt like there was some real fighting out here."

"There was," Susanne said, now leaning tiredly against the horse. "Celly's flipped again. I'd watch it if I were you."

Kristsi's face darkened and she shuddered a little.

Roger laughed. "That about sums it up, I think!"

"Well, ah... now what?" Kell said. "I mean, we're just kind of stuck here in Disneyland, what's really going to happen?"

"Don't jinx it," Zeke mumbled.