Nyx lay dead at the foot of where she had impaled her lover. Seth knelt by her side, his hands tainted in her blood.

What the hell am I doing? What the fucking hell have I been doing here? For the first time on his life the young Ventrue prince felt pain and helplessness. This was all out of his control, it was out of everyone's control. He had become a Guardian for the kicks. All he had to do was to watch over a beautiful woman and keep her mind set on her task. Vic had been his first assignment. Oh how he had fucked this one up. They had been good friends before all of this Otaku business came about. He ruled over the Kindred underground as prince of Los Angeles. She had seemed so self-assured, so confident, he figured his job would be a breeze, she knew what she was doing.... or did she? Methos was right, he had not been doing his duty. He blamed himself. Hentai, baka! Nyx would say. Oh what he would give to hear those words right about now.

To Celly's surprise, Seth grabbed Nyx's body and held it tightly, craddling her in his arms and rocking back and forth. Blood ran down his cheeks. Oh yes, she remembered, the Kindred cry in crimson. The hentai had feelings.

"Vic, oh Vic I'm sorry. Gomen ne. Gomen ne. You have to wake up! Please, you can't leave me here all alone. They'll kill me! Baby, please... I'm sorry I've been such a hentai. I promise if you wake up all better I'll... I'll... I'll hold it back for a couple of weeks." Seth held her tighter and tighter as he sobbed, attempting to smile through the tears. "Vic, please come back to me! I promise I'll be better."

Even as she wiped the tears from her eyes, Celly saw Nyx's fingers twitch. "Oh please be alright," she chanted quietly.

Nyx mumbled incoherently.

Seth's eyes widened. "Vic? Vic, is that you, babe?"

"Ugh... you're choking me, baka hentai cat!" She was smiling. "Why are you crying?" She attempted to sit up. She was covered with blood and so was Seth. Her insides felt weak. The last thing she remembered was... Milton!

Nyx twisted her body around and saw the carnage she had wrought. She scrambled to her feet and clung to his slowly cooling body.

Seth stood beind her, his hands reached out ot her, but she refused. "Vic...babe...."

"Gomene ne... gomen ne......GOMEN NE!!!!!!" Nyx held fast to his body, refusing to let go until Seth wrapped his arms around her and pulled her away from Milton's corpse.

He held her tightly, stroking her back and pressing her head against his shoulder where she sobbed violently. "Shhh...it's going to be okay, babe... it's going to be alright. I'll make sure of it." A strong determmination splayed across his face unlike ever before.

to be continued..........