As the portal disappeared, three people landed in Special Ops of Castle Anthrax in a rather sloppy pile. The Unnamed Otaku were startled by the invasion and prepared themselves for a fight. However, a familiar silver-tressed head, as well as the one with raven locks, stood up the Unnamed Otaku relaxed their guard and returned to whatever work they were doing before. Mamoru and Dionysus stood up first, and they both automatically held out their hands to help Celly off the floor. She took them both with a smile and heaved herself up. She looked around Special Ops in wonder.

"Wow... this is like something out of Star Trek," she said. "What is this place, Dion-chan? You never told me what the rush was."

"I'd like to know too, Dionysus," Mamoru added. "Who were all those people? Why does Celeste look like she's been through a war?"

Celly started and looked down at herself. Her fuku was badly burned and ripped, and she was bleeding from numerous wounds, though the worst of them had long since scabbed over. "Nani? What's this? Why am I wearing a fuku? Let alone *this* fuku? The last thing I remember was the party we were at..." A curious look crossed over Celly's face and she moaned, holding her head in her hands.



Celly promptly fainted, Mamoru quickly catching her in his arms. The doors to Special Ops whispered open, and a cry came.

"Mistress Celeste!" Bob cried. He dropped the stack of folders he was carrying and rushed over. "Mistress Celeste! Daijoubu?" Then the major domo caught sight of the man who held her. "ENDYMION-SAMA!!!" he exclaimed, throwing himself prostrate before the dark-haired man. He repeatedly bowed to Mamoru, murmuring some sort of nonsense about being unworthy to be in his presence.

"Uh... stop calling me that," Mamoru said nervously. "I haven't been called Endymion in quite a long time."

Dionysus huffed and reached down, yanking Bob to his feet. "Stop acting so idiotic, you fool," Dionysus snapped at Bob. "Go back to your business. I'll brief you later." Bob, awed out of his wits at being in the presence of Bishounen. He gibbered something incoherently and quickly left the trio's sight.

"What was that all about, Dionysus?" Mamoru asked. Damn, he thought to himself. Why do the strangest things keep happening to me? Well, at least I'm not dead. Again.

Dionysus frowned. "I've got a long story to tell you, brother-in-law. Come on, let's get Ce-ko into a bed and I'll explain everything."


Celly was sleeping quietly in bed and Mamoru tucked the cover up to her chin, pausing to press a brotherly kiss on her forehead. He then turned to face Dionysus, who was lounging in an arm chair. "Well, explain yourself, Dionysus. What's wrong with my sister?"

"Boy, are you going to *love* this one, Mamoru-kun. Brandy?"

"No, thank you."

"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you. I'll start at the beginning. We are not in the world that you know to be real anymore. We are in a different place called the Bishounen World--no, don't say anything. Let me finish first. Ce-ko here, was chosen by whatever Beings dreamt up this godforsaken place, to become what is termed an ‘Otaku.' A girl of special power and skill, whose sole purpose in this world is to fight in the Game for her chosen Bishounen. Apparently, you're her said Bishounen."

"Bishounen? I'm a pretty-boy?!?"

"Hey! Don't get angry at me. It's an honor to be a Bishounen. You being Ce-ko's Bishounen means that she must now fight in the Game to announce you status as the best Bishounen. You're special," Dionysus added in a teasing drawl.

Mamoru frowned, finally reaching for a glass of brandy and taking a stiff drink. "Okay, so Celeste has to fight for my... honor..." Dionysus snickered. Mamoru ignored him and went on. "I'm not to thrilled at that option. What if she dies?"

"She can't. One of the Rules. She can't die. Neither can you."

"Well, that's one less thing I have to worry about. So, can you explain why she passed out like that?"

"Best guess? Probably the stress. Ce-ko, or at least her physical body, just fought several major battle, performed two Reality Rips, and had to face down against her dark side. She's probably exhausted. Even with her experience and power, she can't take that much abuse. She'll probably be out for a while. Hopefully she'll remember everything by then." A sour look crossed Dionysus' face.

"What was that for?"


"That look. You frowned. I hope whatever you were frowning at is a fast runner."

"Oh... ah..." Dionysus fumbled and knocked back the rest of his brandy. "Um, Ce-ko has had a lapse of memory. She had forgotten everything that happened before she appeared here in Bishounen World. Now, with all of this... crap... happening, the reverse is true. She remember everything *except* for what has happened here in Bishounen World. In this world, Ce-ko did some... questionable things in the name of the Game. But, dammit! I--we need her! She's the only one fighting for you, and she's the best. If she doesn't keep her skills and memories up to par, she'll be shredded out there like so much lettuce. Most of the other Otaku don't like her very much. We... also... had an argument and are... estranged."

Mamoru looked at Dionysus in shock, with some anger in his features. "It's your fault isn't it?" he accused. "You probably did something to set Celeste off. Baka." Dionysus said nothing and Mamoru thoughtfully stared at his brandy. "So, how long is this Game going to last?"

"Until there's a winner, Mamoru-kun. Until there is a winner."
