"Well, now what?" Kristsi said to Kell, who was in dragon form perching on her shoulder. The small reptile just cocked it's head and looked at her with whirling blue eyes. Kristsi smiled and patted Kell on his small triangular head. "Some help you are! Where are we anyway?"

Kell changed back into human form and leaned against a nearby tree, chewing contentedly on a piece of grass. "Not on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride at least..." He ducked in time to avoid the fist that was aimed at his head. "Hey! Watch it! Friends aren't supposed to slug each other!"

"So sorry," Kristsi said with a crooked smile. "Old habits are hard to break."

"Anyway, as I was saying," Kell continued, keeping a safe distance away from his Otaku, "my guess is that we're back somewhere in Konan Country."

"Good. The further away from Disneyland we are, the better." She winced as she sat down on the grass. "So what do you suggest we do now?"

"You need some sleep."

"I'm fine. We need to re-group, or work on my training, or something. I wasn't exactly successful during that last little encounter. So what should we do first? Work on some manuevers?"

"You need some sleep."

"Hey, knock it off! I'm fine! We need to be ready the next time Celly snaps."

"You need some sleep!"

"The last time I checked, mothering was not listed as a Guardian responsibility!"

"We're going to eat, and then you're going to bed." Kell's blue eyes were set with stubborness.

"We'll eat, and then we'll get down to business," Kristsi said defiantly. "I'll sleep when I have time."

"We'll see," Kell said, reaching into HammerSpace and pulling out sandwiches and a couple cans of Sprite. He opened one for Kristsi and handed it to her. Kristsi ate her sandwich in silence, glaring at Kell every now and then and taking an occasional sip of Sprite. Kell just smiled to himself.

"What do you find so amusing, Kell?" Kristsi said with her mouth full.

Kell continued to smile and started to count down. "Five....four...three..."

Kristsi suddenly couldn't make her eyes focus on anything. She struggled to keep from falling asleep, but her body wasn't listening to her anymore. "He put something in my drink!" she thought as she slipped into sleep.

"...one." Kell chuckled to himself and pulled a blanket out of HammerSpace and spread it over Kristsi before settling down himself.