Meanwhile back at the Mori...

Orion was sitting across the table from Mercy. He had something important to discuss with her but he wasn’t sure how to bring it up. Switching sides... how stupid could Mercy be? Orion wondered to himself. He needed to know what possessed her to do it. He wished he could have a drink but that wouldn’t help matters. He didn’t want to fall back into his old ways.

Mercy glanced over at her Guardian. She pondering whether he was going to ask her about the side switch. She really was hoping that he wouldn't. She really didn’t want to explain why she did it. Mercy knew it had been the right thing to do.

Orion decided. To hell with it, I’ll just ask her and hope that she doesn’t get angry with me.

“Mercy, can I ask you a question?” Orion asked, stuttering as he spoke.

Mercy looked up from her drink. “What is it, Orion?”

“I was wondering if you could tell me why you switched sides... I thought you were so set on going after Celly for what she did to you!”

“That, my friend, was part of the plan Celly and I devised. I was supposed to act pissed at her. It was to make the plan look believable.”

“I realize that now, but why? Why, Mercy?”

“Because, I thought it best to be on their side. They obviously have more power then the others do, and I think I made the right decision.”

“I still think we would have been better to side on the other side. I mean, Susanne did save your butt from Celly the first time.”

“Yes, I know she did. But, the fact remains that I switched sides and I’m not going back. There is no way,” Mercy stated, trying to keep her cool.

This Guardian of hers was starting to get annoying but that was nothing new; he was either annoying or drunk. He just knew how to get on someone’s nerves. Damn, baka Guardian. She didn’t want to continue this conversation, she had better things to do.

Orion was shocked at the comment Mercy had just made. She was happily joining forces with a raving lunatic and girl who has a dragon for a pet. Oh boy. What was the girl thinking? Must be having a major blond moment.

“I’m still having problems with this switch but there is nothing I can do. The only thing I can do is protect you, which brings up another subject. Why the hell do you keep disappearing me?”

“Me? Disappear on you? I don’t know what you’re talking about, Orion.” Mercy sweetly smiled.

Orion just looked at the smile. He figured that it either meant she was drunk, or... well, who knew?

Mercy and Orion just looked at each, neither of them knowing what to say next. Orion was suddenly hit with painful memories. He was suddenly hit with memories of his past and how he used to do this with her... Felicity... it hurt too much to even think of her name.

Orion had to get out of there, too much pain. Mercy was in every likeness Felicity, and it was too painful to look at her anymore. Orion stood up and bolted out of the door of the Mori.

Mercy watched her Guardian run out the door.

“Shimatte!!” Now whose pulling the disappearing act?!” Mercy screamed. She threw money on the table for the drinks and then took off running after her Guardian.
