Bishounen Wars! Fushigi Akugi!

There was a splishin' and a splashin'...

[scene: behind the Mori, Celly has recently put in a swimming pool. Otaku and Guardians are laying out or swimming]

Kristsi: [laying on floating raft] I'm sure glad Celly had this pool put in.

Susanne: Ditto! [cannonballs off the diving board]

Mercy: [sitting at the edge with her feet dangling in the water] Eek! Watch it there! Quit splashing!

Celly: [laying on a lawn chair next to the pool] What, afraid your hair'll turn green?

Meredith: Let's not even go there!

Eurydice: Come on, Anae! The water's fine!

Anaera: No way!! I'm fine right here!

Remy: [sweatdrop] Anaera, you're still in the kitchen.

Dionysus: We're out of ice cream, by the way!

Anaera: Dammit! [comes back outside, still has the ice cream scoop in her hand] Who finished off the ice cream?

[Susanne quickly ducks under the water]

[Nyx comes out of the Mori, brushing past Anaera. She is still wearing the trench.]

Seth: Aw, c'mon, Vic! Lose the jacket!

Nyx: [clutches tightly at the coat] HELL no!! No way!

Anaera: Well, it seems we have something in common after all...

Roger: [treading water in the middle of the pool] Yeah, people who can't swim even though they've had centuries to learn. Talk about wasted time!

[P-kun walks out, everyone averts their eyes]

Remy: Whoa, check the glare off that blinding white skin!

Roger: I'm blind!!! [sinks under the water]

P-kun: [bristling in affront] Hey, I don't spend a lot of time in my human form! [in a threatening voice] I *could* be wearing speedos.

[everyone shudders, turns back to what they were doing before]

Celly: [walks over to Dion, hands him a bottle] Here. [he starts massaging sunblock on her shoulders] So... who are these people?

Dion: [whispers] Don't worry about it. They're just the crazy people.

Celly: Oh. Ohhh!

Susanne: Sheesh... I don't know what's worse, them mad at each other, or all lovey-dovey like this. Get a room, you two!

Dion & Celly: 'Kay.

Roger: Maybe you should stop encouraging them.

[Zeke cannonballs into the pool with an enormous splash which Anaera and Nyx have to scramble to avoid, then he comes up laughing]

Anaera and Nyx: You have to get out of that pool sometime.

[Zeke gulps and ducks back under the water]

[there is a shriek as Kristsi's raft thingy capsizes and she is thrown into the water]

[Kell comes up laughing]

Kristsi: YOU!!! [shoves his head under the water]

Kell: [gurgling]

[Seth sits down on the edge of the pool and dangles his legs in the water. As he looks at the many bathing suits-clad Otaku, he smiles. His eyes focus on Eurydice, who is in the water, slowly swimming in his direction]

>Target in range<

[Eurydice is swimming very near where Seth is sitting]

>Targeting Sensors locked on<

[Eurydice treads water near Seth and calls to Anaera to jump in]

>Launching first barrage<

Seth: My, that form suits you much better than your last one.

Eurydice: [laughing] Oh, please, is that the best pick up line you can think of?

Seth: [smiling] No, but mere words do not do you justice, my beauty.

Eurydice: Oh... you're *good*. Cute too.

[they smile at each other]

[Anaera and Nyx finally see what is happening and horror crosses their faces]

Anaera: ... no... gods... no...


[everyone in the pool area just smiles. As long as Seth is involved with her, they don't have to worry... as much]

[Orion walks by whistling the Wedding March. Nyx and Anaera glare and punt him into low-Earth orbit]

Anaera: This canNOT be happening...

Meredith: Kristsi, are you going to let Kell up for air?

Kristsi: Kell? Kell who?

Roger: What about the Who?

Zeke: Who's on stage.

Meredith: Who's on first.

Susanne: I don't know.

Meredith & Susanne: THIRD BASE! [simultaneous giggling fit]

Mercy: Oh, look out, here comes Orion...

[Orion falls from the sky, landing in the pool. There is a tremendous splash and Anaera and Nyx nearly crash into each other trying to get out of the way. Everyone else just looks up and glares at Orion]

Remy: Damn! That water is *cold*!!! I was trying to ease in, stupid! [she splashes a wave towards Orion's body, which is floating belly-down in the water]

P-kun: [sighing] Well, now that I'm thoroughly drenched, I might as well swim.

Zeke: [nervous] Uh... minna...?

Mercy: What is it, Zeke?

Zeke: I don't think cold water works on them. [he makes a vague motion towards a lounge chair where Celly and Dion, soaked to the bones, are currently... occupied]

Susanne: [grumbles incoherently]

Nyx: God! Now I *really* know that I didn't need to see that!

[Anaera grabs her by the arm and turns her around so that they are both facing where Eurydice and Seth were flirting... they are obviously not flirting anymore]

Nyx: [going pale] ... I think I'm going to be sick...

Anaera: [crumples into a fetal position, whimpering] ... I think I'll join you...

Kristsi: [her arm is still suspiciously holding something down under the water] Well, look at the bright side! At least no one is trying to kill anyone! [bubbles come up from under the water where her arm is]

Celly: [smiling] What about Kell?

Kristsi: [innocently] Who's Kell? [the bubbles die off]