>>"Oh, all right," Celly relented. They didn't have any leads, anyway. Maybe this would give her time to think of her next move.<<

>>She began to walk north and found herself at the entrance of a bar. She shrugged. "Hey maybe they can help me. I don't think there'd be any gas stations or 7-11's anywhere nearby." So she entered the bar called "Otaku no Mori."<<

Celly had let Bob buy tickets so that they could go on the tour. He was like a little kid sometimes, but he was so kawaii (in the Chibi Chibi way) too. She just had to indulge him every once in a while.

It was then that she noticed that the locals kept looking at her strangely. She couldn't figure it out. She didn't have horns growing out of her head, or giant wings, or a sign that said "Kick Me" on her back. What was grabbing everyone's attention?

Then she realized it was her fuku.

For the people of "London", Celly was walking around rather scantily clad. "Bakas..." she muttered. "Always judging people because of what they wear..." But she decided that it would be best to cover up. The tour wouldn't be leaving for a while yet. She had enough time to hop over to the Mori and change clothes. Celly allowed Bob to remain in London to sightsee, besides he didn't have much fashion sense. He wouldn't be able to help her find anything to wear.

Celly arrived at the Mori and went up to her personal quarters. There she learned something new.

She couldn't get out of her fuku.

It was... like... stuck or something! Some sort of spell kept the fuku from coming off of her, probably the same magic that kept her from getting too greviously injured while in combat. She pondered for a while. She had never noticed that the fuku couldn't come off. When she went to bed, the fuku just seemed to shift into a pair of PJs and then revert to the fuku in the morning. In fact, the thought of *not* wearing her fuku was slighty scary to Celly. Her fuku served as her battle armor and she fought in it. It was the extra amount of protection she needed to stay breathing. Besides... she looked *great* in it.

So she had a choice. Walk around in a fuku or walk around in her jammies.

Celly muttered to herself again and started to rummage through her HammerSpace.

"Ah ha! Found it!" She lifted up the long black trenchcoat that she had gotten somewhere. "This'll work in covering me up, and I won't have to be out of uniform."

Celly shrugged the trenchcoat on as she walked down the stairs to the Bar proper. She nodded to a few of the patrons who had shown up early, and left specific instructions for her staff to follow. The Mori was running smoothly.

As she exited the bar, Celly accidently slammed into someone coming in. They both fell to the ground, landing on their butts.

"Gomen! Gomen!" Celly said as she scrambled back up. "I didn't see you--"

Celly stopped abruptly as she stared at the trenchcoated figure in front of her.

She frowned. "Who are you? And why are you wearing my trenchcoat?"
