Celly paced back and forth across the main room of the Mori. Susanne, Hotohori no Otaku, had been gone for quite a long while. Konan wasn't a safe place once it got dark out... gangs were everywhere.

But she was Otaku. She would manage just fine. Especially with the ki-blasts that she put out.

Celly began to rapidly sort the information she knew about Susanne. She was a newbie to the Game. She probably didn't even know what was going on. Susanne had a mean streak a mile wide and a rather... interesting vocabulary. She also seemed... violently objected to missing class.

Missing class! This was a war and she was worried about missing class! It didn't matter anyway... nothing mattered except keeping the Game alive. Celly pondered whether to tell the other Otakus what their *true* role was.

She shook her head in negation. They'd probably think it was her fault anyway. Bakas...

Celly slanted a glance at Nyx who was seated at the bar drinking a double frappachino. Nyx was a strange one as well. Celly had already given Nyx her trenchcoat in payment for torching hers. Besides, she didn't like the confined feeling of the coat. She didn't like being confined, period.

Strange half-memories flitted through her mind of a dark enclosed space... the pleading cries... the captor who held her... and Celly shook her head to rid the thoughts. Her memories... would she ever get them back?

Did she want to?

Kuso! Celly said to herself. Where is that girl? Even if the snitty fit she had been in, she surely should have been back by now. She didn't know her way around.

Then the doors of the Mori swung open.
