Celly frowned as she saw Susanne enter the Mori. She wasn't alone. A tiger walked by her side, as if it was natural for tigers to enter bars. There was also another girl wearing armor that was vaguely Xena-like, but more covered up and tasteful. Celly's sharp eyes also spotted the small mouse in her hair, as well as the slight aura that emitted from her.

Hmm, not bad, but not good enough. The newcomer had attempted to shield her aura, but Celly had been in the Game long enough that tricks like that normally didn't work. Celly noticed Nyx stand beside her.

"Who are they?" she asked.

Celly had no time to answer because the screaming started. The customers of the Otaku no Mori all scambled away from the four and Celly slapped a hand over her face. The tiger was scaring her customers to death.

"What the bloody hell is going on?!?" errupted from the midst of the chaos.

Celly leapt skillfully on top of a table and clapped her hands twice. Everyone turned to face the mistress of the Otaku no Mori. "Honored guests, do not fear! A tiger it is you see, but tamed to the hand of man! Merely a trifling entertainment for you who dine here. True, I should have made some warning though." Celly snapped her fingers and her staff all stood at attention. "Free drinks for all in this room, so they may calm their upset nerves!"

A great cheer came from the patrons of the bar and the alcohol started to flow.

Celly's demeanor changed as soon as the eyes were off of her and she frowned at the Otaku who were merely confused. She pointed at the stairwell that led to her private offices.

"Upstairs, all of you," she said in a quiet but deadly tone. "We have much to discuss and this is not the place."
