Here are the results from the previous Point/Counterpoint which asked:
What do you think will happen (or what would you like to see happen) once Lindsay’s secret comes out?

I think that this deserves an old fashioned stoning. All of the people that have been effected by her lies should plainly bring the largest stones that they can find, tie Lindsay to a stake in front of City Hall, and start throwing them at her. After, they should turn her around and give her a good whipping!

I would like for Nora to beat the hell out of Lindsay! Bo should tell Lindsay what he thinks of her and remarry Nora and force Lindsay to be at the wedding and watch all the love and happiness that all the people have for Bo and Nora. Lindsey should receive all the nastiness that Dorian has endured the last few months except ten times more. Will and Lindsay should be forced to live together and drive one another crazy. Sam should find someone else and try to forget his obsession that he has of Nora.

When Lindsay's secret comes out, I hope that Bo finds out that Matthew is really his baby and Bo and Nora get back together. They are soul mates! I hope Lindsay gets sent to Statesville!!

Once Lindsay’s secret comes out, Bo and Nora begin their way (a slow, romantic, and healing reunion) back to one another. We should see the real Bo and the real Nora immediately discard their current companions. Then, they should help one another heal, and realize they are soul mates and they have been fooling themselves thinking they could move on with other mates.

What I want to happen is for Bo to leave Lindsay. What I think will happen when Lindsay’s secrets come out is that she'll also let Sam take the fall with her. Lindsay will tell everyone that Sam knew about the sperm test results switch and that Matthew may not be Sam’s after all.

They do a re-test of Matthew and find out he really is Sam's son. Then we can stop hearing about this story!

In the words of Madame. Delphina, a bomb will go off in Llanview. It will blow every relationship apart, and many old secrets will be revealed with new alliances forming.

This story has gone on for so long, I don't care anymore. Probably nothing will happen to Lindsay as usual. You can get away with almost anything on a soap! I would like to see her pay for what she did. Let everyone ignore her and let her be alone for a while and see what she does then!

I think they are taking too long to expose Lindsay!

Everyone seems to think that just because Lindsay tampered with Bo's sperm count results, that put a gun to Nora's head to sleep with Sam. Wise up! Nora slept with Sam because she wanted to. Of course she will be upset, because now she has no excuse for cheating on her husband (not that there ever is any excuse for such shameless behavior, but hey, that's why we love these daytime dramas, because no one is moral, but everyone pays the band in the end).
Lady Zardoz

Bo and Nora will reunite!

I hope Lindsay’s secret doesn’t come out, and if it does, I want Bo to still love her!

I would hope to see Nora and Bo get back together. However, I have already lost interest in this story line. The only reason I watch OLTL is to see my most favorite couple - Ben and Viki! They are perfect for each other, and if they are split up by the writers, I'll never watch again! And that's my opinion!

Actually I have a hunch that this secret will be played out way too long for my taste. I'm actually getting to a point where I don't care, but chances are Bo will be devastated, Nora will be angry and not know what to do since she's so whimpy lately, and ol' Sam will just continue to act like an idiot with no sense. But Asa, now Asa will love every minute of it. As to Lindsey, she'll only get what she deserves.

Well I'd like to see Bo and Nora back together and Lindsay history. I'm just like Asa, I don't like the Rappaports either!

Truthfully, after all that has happened lately, I don't even want Lindsay’s secret to come to surface. If it has to, I also want it revealed that Sam knew about it the whole time. That's only fair. I kind of like the Character of Lindsay, so therefore I would keep her secret. If anyone should tell the secret though it should be Lindsay herself to Bo. I don't care who tells Nora.

I’d like to see Bo and Nora get back together. They belong together forever. Nobody has ever had the chemistry that they do!

Bo and Nora get back together and raise Matthew in a peaceful, loving home. Sam suddenly departs for the South Pacific and disappears on an island inhabited by cannibals. Meanwhile, Renee discovers that her real son is none other than R.J. Gannon, conceived during a one night stand. Asa, furious, leaves Renee. He and Lindsay get together, not for love but for a good story line. Lindsay becomes Bo's step-mom and Nora's mother-in-law! Following this little plot twist, the possibilities for entertaining and intriguing episodes of my favorite soap become limitless!

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