PCM connectors A/B/C/D
A1...465 Dark green w/ white stripe.....Fuel pump relay.....energizes fuel pump relay w/ engine running
A2...Brown.....Port air switch
A3...Green w/ yellow stripe.....Cannister purge
A4...435 Grey.....EGR control
A5...Brown w/ white stripe.....SES control
A6...439 Pink w/ black stripe.....Ignition power
A7...Tan w/ black stripe.....Overdrive (man trans) or TCC (auto trans)
A8...Orange.....Serial data
A9...White w/ black stripe.....Diagnostic terminal
A10...Brown.....Speed sensor
A11...450 Black w/ pink stripe.....MAF analog ground return
A12...450 Black w/ white stripe.....engine ground
B1...340 Orange.....Battery 12v
B2...120 Red.....Fuel pump signal
B3...453 Blue w/ red stripe.....EST ref low/ground
B4...not used
B5...430 Purple w/ white stripe.....Distributor ref
B6...White.....VATS signal
B7...485 Black.....ESC signal
B8...Green w/ yellow stripe.....A/C signal
B9...not used
B10...Orange w/ black stripe.....Park / neutral switch
B11...not used
B12...998 Dark green.....MAF sensor in
C1...Dark green w/ white stripe.....Fan relay control
C2...Black w/ pink stripe.....Converter air control
C3...Light green w/ black stripe.....IAC "B" low
C4...Light green w/ white stripe.....IAC "B" high
C5...Light blue w/ white stripe.....IAC "A" high
C6...Light blue w/ black stripe.....IAC "A" low
C7...Black w/ blue stripe.....A/T OD switch
C8...Black w/ blue stripe.....M/T OD request lite
C9...not used
C10...410 Yellow.....Coolant temp signal
C11...not used
C12...472 Tan.....MAT signal
C13...417 Dark blue.....TPS signal
C14...416 Grey.....TPS 5v ref
C15...935 Dark green.....EGR temp switch
C16...340 Orange.....Battery 12v constant
D1...450 Black w/ white stripe.....Analog MAF engine ground
D2...452 Black.....CTS, MAT, TPS 5v sensor return
D3...Black w/ white stripe.....Ground
D4...423 White.....EST control
D5...424 Tan w/ black stripe.....EST bypass
D6...413 Tan.....O2 Ground (engine)
D7...412 Purple.....O2 sensor signal
D8...not used
D9...not used
D10...Black w/ white stripe.....ground
D11...Dark green.....A/C pressure switch
D12...900 Black.....MAF burn off relay
D13...not used
D14...not used
D15...Light blue.....Injectors 1-3-5-7
D16...Light green.....Injectors 2-4-6-8
Dash harness connector (commonly refered to as the 15 way IP connector)
This under-dash connector is the one that you will need to identify to connect with your vehicle harness. The connector is labeled near the ends on one side from "A" to "H", on the other side from "J" to "R". The identification breakdown is as follows....
"A"...Brown.....EGR port solenoid
.....ALDL location- terminal "C"
.....PCM location- pin "A2" (air sw. sol.)
.....Action required- none
"B"....639 Pink w/ black stripe....Injectors 1-3-5-7 12v ign power from injector fuse 1
.....ALDL location- none
.....PCM location- D15 (PCM grounds D15 to pulse injectors)
.....Action required- connect to fused "ign on" 12v power source (12awg wire / 10 amp fuse)
"C"...419 Brown w/ white stripe.....SES (service engine soon) lamp
.....ALDL location- none
.....PCM location- pin "A5" (check engine lamp)
.....Action required- wire to the ground side of SES lamp (connect other side of SES lamp to 12v ign power)
"D"...Orange...Fuel Pump "test" wire
.....Fuel pump main power wire from new fuse block
.....ALDL location- terminal "G"
.....PCM location- none (connecting 12+ into the ALDL terminal "G" will energize the fuel pump only when fuel pump relay is not energized by the PCM.
.....Action required- none (
"E"...451 White w/ black stripe.....ALDL "TEST" terminal
.....ALDL location- terminal "B"
.....PCM location- pin "A9" (ALDL test)
.....Action required- none
"F"...439 Pink w/ black stripe.....12v ign power feed from new fuse block to PCM pin A6
.....ALDL location- none
.....PCM location- pin "A6" (12v ign on)
.....Action required- connect to fused "ign on" 12v power source (12awg wire / 10 amp fuse)
"G"....839 Pink w/ black stripe....Injectors 2-4-6-8 12v ign power from injector fuse 2
.....ALDL location- none
.....PCM location- D16 (PCM grounds D16 to pulse injectors)
.....Action required- connect to fused "ign on" 12v power source (12awg wire / 10 amp fuse)
"H"...Tan w/ black stripe.....TCC check terminal
.....ALDL location- terminal "F"
.....PCM location- pin "A7" (TCC lockup control)
.....Action required- none
"J"...461 Orange.....serial data for scan tool
.....ALDL location- terminal "E"
.....PCM location- pin "A8" (serial data)
.....Action required- none
"K"...Brown.....VSS input
.....ALDL location- none
.....PCM location- pin "A10" (VSS input)
.....Action required- connect to brown wire on VSS generator
"L"........not used
.....ALDL location- not used
.....PCM location- not used
.....Action required- not used
"M"...450 Black w/ white stripe.....PCM/engine ground
.....ALDL location- terminal "A"
.....PCM location- pins "D1", "D3", "D10" (ground)
.....Action required- connect to ground under dash and on chassis (12awg wire)
"N"...Orange w/ black stripe
.....Gear select switch
.....ALDL location- none
.....PCM location- pin "B10" (park/neutral switch)
.....Action required- connect to a switch that's grounded in park and neutral
.....TCC control
.....ALDL location- none
.....PCM location- none
.....Action required- connect to TCC brake switch
"R"...806 Purple
.....Cold start switch / injector power
.....ALDL location- none
.....PCM location- none
.....Action required-connect to fused 12v during start only source (12awg wire / 10 amp fuse) such as the starter solenoid's "S" terminal
ALDL terminals (assembly line diagnostic link)
Junction connector for injectors and cooling fan
TCC connector (torque converter clutch)
EST distributor connector (electronic spark timing)
.....4 conductor connector located on the distributor
.....Term A- 453 Blue w/ red stripe.....to ground thru PCM pin B3
.....Term B- 424 Tan w/ black stripe.....goes thru set connector to PCM pin D5
.....Term C- 430 Purple w/ white stripe.....referance signal to PCM pin B5
.....Term D- 423 White.....EST signal from PCM pin D4
EGR valve solenoid connector (exhaust gas re-circulation)
Right side injector connectors
Left side injector connectors
Oil pressure switch (for fuel pump cut-off)
.....2 conductor connector located near the distributor
.....120 Tan w/ white stripe.....to fuel pump and PCM pin B2
.....Orange.....12v power from PCM pins B1 and C16
AC/heater power connector
ESC module (electronic spark control)
.....5 conductor connector located near the brake booster on the left inner fenderwell
.....Term A- not used
.....Term B- 439 Pink w/ purple stripe.....12v ign power thru "IP" connector, connected to PCM pin A6
.....Term C- 485 Black.....ESC signal to PCM pin B7
.....Term D- 486 Brown.....to engine ground lug
.....Term E- 496 White.....to knock sensor
MAF burnoff relay (mass air flow)
.....4 conductor plug located near brake booster on left inner fender well
.....A term- 994 Dark blue.....to MAF sensor term D(burn off signal) and MAF power relay term C
.....D term- 340 Orange.....12v power from PCM pins B1 and C16
.....E term- 340 Orange.....12v power from PCM pins B1 and C16
.....F term- 900 Black.....burn off control wire (ground) switched by PCM pin D12
MAF sensor relay (mass air flow)
.....5 conductor plug located near brake booster on left inner fender well
.....A term- 340 Orange.....12v power from PCM pins B1 and C16
.....C term- 994 Dark Blue.....to MAF sensor and power relay
.....D term- 120 Tan w/ white stripe.....power switched by oil press. sw. and fuel pump relay
.....E term- 993 Red.....12v power to MAF sensor
.....F term- 450 Black w/ white stripe.....to system ground lug, and PCM pin A12
MAF sensor connector (mass air flow)
.....5 conductor connector located near air filter duct
.....A term- 450 Black w/ white stripe.....goes to engine ground lug and to PCM pin D1
.....B term- 450 Black.....Analog ground to PCM pin A11
.....C term- 998 Dark green.....MAF 5v+ signal from PCM pin B12
.....D term- 994 Dark blue..... from MAF relay and MAF burn off relay
.....E term- 993 Red.....12v power from MAF power relay
Fuel pump relay
.....5 conductor connector located near the brake booster on the inner fenderwell
.....A term- 120 Tan w/ white stripe.....fuel pump signal wire to PCM pin B2
.....B term- 450 Black w/ white stripe.....Ground lug also connected to PCM pin A12
.....C term- 465 Dark green w/ white stripe.....12v drive power switched by PCM pin A1
.....D term- Orange.....fuel pump test wire to ALDL "G" term thru 15 way "IP" connector
.....E term- 340 Orange.....12v power from PCM pins B1 and C16
Cannister purge connector
.....one connector terminal located near left exhaust pipe
.....412 Purple...from D7 pin of PCM
Oxygen sensor connector
Cold start injector connector (except '89)
Cold start switch connector (except '89)
.....2 connector plug located near front of right cylinder head
.....806 Purple.....from starter solenoid thru "R" terminal of 15 way "IP" dash connector
.....832 Tan.....from cold start injector
TPS copnnector (throttle position sensor)
.....3 connector plug located near the base of the throttle body
.....416 Grey.....5v referance from PCM pin C14
.....417 Dark Blue.....TPS signal from PCM pin C13
.....452 Black.....Sensor ground from PCM pin D2
IAC connector (idle air control)
CTS connector (coolant temp sensor)
.....2 conductor plug located near thermostat housing
.....452 Black.....Sensor ground circiut from PCM pin D2
.....410 Yellow.....ECT signal from PCM pin C10
MAT or IAT sensor connector (manifold air or intake air sensor)
.....2 conductor connector located near the rear of the plenum
.....452 Black.....Sensor ground from PCM pin D2
.....472 Tan.....MAT sensor 5v+ signal from PCM pin C12
EGR temp switch connector (exhaust gas re-circulation)
.....one conductor connector under rear of plenum
.....935 Dark Green.....N.O. diagnostic switch wire from PCM pin C15
Port solenoid connector
.....2 conductor connector located on top near the rear of the right valve cover
.....A term- 39 Black w/ pink stripe.....from 12v ign power thru bulkhead connector
.....B term- 435 Grey.....gets 12v switched by PCM pin A4
Diverter solenoid connector
AC high pressure switch connector
Knock sensor connector
Cooling fan relay
Cooling fan connector
Cooling fan fuse
Battery "+" terminal
Ground wires to firewall