<b> | means bold, makes the font dark. |
</b> | shuts off bold. |
<i> | means italics. |
</i> | shuts off italics. |
<pre> | means typewriter text. |
</pre> | shuts off typewriter text. |
<p> | makes a new paragraph. |
<br> | means break to a new line. |
<center> | it centers it to the middle of the page. |
</center> | shuts off centering. |
<a href=> | is for color, it's the only color you get. |
<a href="http://etc."> | makes a link for you. |
<a href="mailto:wherever"> | makes it so all ou have to do is click and then they can mail you. |
</a> | shuts off all color, links, and mailtos. |
<img src=http://etc.> | makes an image for you. |
<h1> | makes the font this BIG |
<h2> | makes it this BIG |
<h3> | makes it this BIG |
<h4> | makes it this BIG |
<h5> | makes it this BIG |
<h6> | makes it this BIG |
</h#>, # means enter any number | shuts off sizing |
<a href=""onMouseOver=" alert('test');return true;"> | Will make a java Alert. click here |
<a href=""onMouseOver=" prompt('test');return true;"> | Will make a java prompt. Click here |
<a href=""onmouseover="document.bgColor='yellow'; document.fgColor='red'"> | Will change the screen and Text colors. Click here |
<a href=""onmouseover="window.close();""> | Will Close your current Netscape Window. Click here |
<a href=""onmouseover="window.open();""> | Will Open another Netscape Window. Click here |