ME:I would make a good member of squirtgun because I am very easy to travel with, I don't eat alot(unless it's Red Vines YUMM!)And I can play the kazoo like no one else.Yup think about how much better Come On Let's Go!(off of the Mary Ann ep& Another Sunny Afternoon)would have been with a kazoo!Yup I could dress up like Betty or Veronica from Archie and play my kazoo on stage.That also means that they could do a cover of Sugar,honey honey by the Archies.All becasue I was in the band!!!!!!!!
Janet Reno:Now I don't know why they aren't begging her to join Squirtgun!Think about it!She is the punk rock icon for the 90's!!!! She would attract crowds so big that Squirtgun wouldn't be able to play clubs anymore they'd have to play outside because even the biggest stadium couldn't hold the crowds.And wouldn't she just fit right in?So it'd be Matt,Flav,Matt,Mass,Dan and Janet? Besides I think her and Mass would make a pretty cute couple doncha think?Well no because inter band dating always is a desaster(look at Dr.Frank&Madlylin Allbright MTX was just about to take off with her a 2nd guitarist but since they broke up she decided to quit the band and go into politics full time.)
Gwen Stefani:Okay now I know I'm just stating the obvious ,we all know Gwen would be perfect for the band.Why? I'll tell you.SHe would draw the prison/teeny bopper crowd.Plus it'd give a real good spin with the feminists ya know to have not only a girl but justthe girl.Har Har Har=)
All of the former New Kids on the Block:AHHHH!Wouldn't that be soo rad?To have alll of NKOTB up on stage with Squirtgun?I mean who hasn't fantaized about this?!?!?!I mean this would be a great day in history when NKOTB & Squirtgun sang Funky x-mas together in harmony.Yup this could bring the punks and the teeny boppers as one.Right on!=)