
Please go there and remember to update your bookmarks.

The Postal Jeep Club of America is being formed to support the Postal Jeep as a true American icon, to preserve the Postal Jeep as a form of recreation and pleasure, and to stop the United States Postal Service from discarding the Postal Jeep as the official mail carrying vehicle.

Whether you own a Postal Jeep, plan on buying one, or would like to offer your support for the above mentioned cause, join today. (Participation in the petition is not required.) It's free and easy to join. Just send e-mail to thepostaljeep@bigfoot.com .(Place "JOIN" in the subject of the letter.)

All members get a custom membership stamp with their name and membership number. Put it on your webpage, make wallpaper out of it, or if you're creative, put it on your t-shirt.

Please note: If you signed up and don't hear from me sign up again. I lost some email in a computer crash. Thanks, Gary

A Petition To The Postmaster General

We the petitioners hereby state our cause of petition to The Postmaster General of The United States of America, The Honorable William J. Henderson. Said cause being to overturn the decision of The United States Postal Service to replace the DJ series Postal Jeep as the primary mail delivery vehicle with the Ford Windstar mini-van. We the petitioners, as taxpayers, postal customers, and citizens of The United States of America hereby call for a meeting with United States Postal Officials, including The Honorable William J. Henderson, to discuss re-instatement of the Postal Jeep as the official mail carrier vehicle of The United States Postal Service.

To be sent to:

Mr. William J. Henderson, Postmaster General USPS

475 L'Enfant Plaza, SW

Washington, DC 20260-0010

Or Phone: (202) 268-2500 and voice your comments.

Fill out the form below with or without comments and I'll forward it to the Postmaster General.

If you want to join the club, place "JOIN" in the form.

Submit e-mail address:

Add comments:

We need your help!

Get the word out. Pass the URL of the petition around the internet. Submit the Url to a search engine. E-mail a friend. Tell co-workers and neighbors to spread the word. Talk about it in chat and post it to newsgroups. We need all the support we can get.

ATTENTION POSTAL WORKERS: Help us with the petition. Circulate it at work. If you want the Postal Jeep to survive, join The Postal Jeep Club of America. Have a membership drive. Your support is the most influential we could hope for.

Membership list..... (members with email addresses) If you do not want to be listed here email me.

coyote@iglobal.net- amtorres@ioa.com- rca23430@bellatlantic.net- gwnews@raspberryhill.com- hj1son@earthlink.net- SiameseC@aol.com- FRow456223@aol.com- Free6dumb@aol.com- spud@Highland.Net- macduff@alaska.net- ifindem@fea.net- dfossey@flash.net- MINDLOSER@aol.com- torch573@usa.net- ryanjennie@webtv.net- waiter1@earthlink.net- mountain@pacbell.net- isaac@clark.net- pyzyk@ibm.net- eward@wf.net- Fridge3@aol.com- spindr@inreach.com- bj1@fm-net.com- "VinAdam"VinAdam@aol.com- "CBlackw232"CBlackw232@aol.com- "WCollins1"WCollins1@aol.com- "Sarah Dodge"dodg5541@student.dixie.edu- maxwellgrey@pe.net- "Jake"wetzel@netdoor.com- milkman@delamar.lib.dixie.edu- "Larry Moore" lmoore@ksnews.com- "Tony Loper"-esvp@ix.netcom.com- rockymountainhigh@skibuff.com- woodeye@erols.com- edwalch@bigfoot.com- aig@onramp.net- Muddin4Fun@aol.com- greenacrez@earthlink.net- InBetweeny@aol.com- ramjetjack@worldnet.att.net- casey@camalott.com- vwdead@earthlink.net- pegasus@minot.ndak.net- snunley@msmisp.com- cecuoja47@prodigy.com


(1998)All original images are copyright protected and owned by The Postal Jeep Page.