I LOVE YOUR STORY The Day the Music Died
Your story is really good!!
I Love your story! It is the best ever!
It's really cool. Your page is great keep up the good work!
jeeze i loved your story, it was so sad, i don't believe i have read a hoanson story before and cried at the end, it was like something i would have never guessed, WoW! i am like still stunned!! i just wanted to say you have a real talent and should write more stories.
Oh my God. I just finished reading your story and I have to tell you that the end just took me by surprise. I love it. Well, not that Jade died, but you know what I mean. Your story's the only one I've read that doesn't have a happy ending. It's so original. Okay, can I just say that I love it again?
WOW! That last chapter is soooooooooo good! The last part almost made me cry! You did SUCH a good job on it! Poor Taylor and everyone else! That is such a powerful story!
That was the most touching story I have read in my life. You are a trully wonderful writer and I hope I can one day be as good as you. I also have two Hanson stories writen, and one in the making, but none of them as good and creative as yours. This story was so deep I was full-on crying by the end.
Wow . . . your story ending shocked me. I almost cried, it was so sad. But
your story was unique and you deserve a lot of credit for your writing. I
loved your story - it would be kinda cool to write another chapter or
something about how everyone else is dealing with the loss.
What does everyone else think about this idea?
Very touching story. Nothing I could think of wouold have preparedd me for that. I loved it : )
OH MY GOD!! I can't believe the way your story ended. It made me cry!! WOW!! Great job!!
What an ending way to go! Although it was rather sad and upsetting! Great Job!
Your story's ending left me breathless. All I can say is wow. You are a VERY excellent writer. You need that published, and get a copyright on it!
OHMIGOSH! That story was great! It was sooo sad at the end, I had no idea that would happen! You're a great writer and I think you should look into getting it published, really!
wow! now that was a surprise ending!
That was an awesome story! Quite sad, but it was good. So Jade died in the end? *whistle* How sad.
THAT IS NOT THE ENDING I WOUNTED but i loved the story good job! most of the stories r the some yours was totaly diferent
WOW, no happy ending, I love it! it's SO cool all the rest are like Tay loves me I love him la dee da happy happy joy joy and yours is like cool thanks for the entertainment!
I never in a million years would have guessed an ending like this! Great story
Hey your story was great!!! You have a real talent. Good luck in the future
WOW!!!!!! I can't believe it!! I almost started crying!! I love Star Wars and there's a character in tbooks whose name is Mara Jade. Ironically, she has red/orange hair! WONDERFUL story!!!!
You wrote a great story!! Keep up the good work
I really have to say that your story is excellent! It just goes to show how things can happen in life so suddenly, for example Jade's mother leaving her, she and Taylor hooking up, becoming a member of the Hansons, her father's wedding, etc. The ending part was a bit sudden, just like life is. Keep up the good work and I must say that I can't wait 'till more of your stories arrive.
What's up? I think that your ending was very unusual but was needed. Most
of the endings in these kind of romantic stories always have a happy perfect
endeing, which is most likely never going to happen in real life, and
especially not with the Hansons. We might become friends and might all live
happily ever after in a relationship but it is not very likely. I think you
should make a part two or something like a part two of a romeo and juliet
thing except make it a Tay and Jade kind of thing.
What do you think?
Hey! I just finished reading your story......wow. I mean, judging by the
title I was expecting some type of love thing with Taylor and another
girl, but I don't know why, I assumed Tay was gonna die.Once I got to
the part where she was running after the bus, I thought Tay would do
something like jump and push her out of the way and save her life, but
he'd die. (Awww.....that'd be so sweet) I liked your story, I printed
the chapter where she got the necklace cause I thought it was so sweet
and gave it to Jordan(not Jordan Hanson, my guy Jordan) as in
"hint,hint". Heehee, it actually worked. I'd been out that night with my
friends at the mall. (He lives down the street) And while I was gone he
went out to the deck off my bedroom, and left a box there, at the door.
(Stupid me, I always lock that door, It would've been cool if it was
actually left on my pillow and I hit my head on it like Jade did) But
hey, I was happy. Inside was a silver chain with a purplish-blue metelic
dolphin on it (I love dolphins) and on the back was engraved L.B. + J.R.
(Our enitials) So thanks so much for writing the cool story, keep it up!
Wow!! How cool is that!
Great story!! Talk about a shocking ending!! you are very talented!
Wow... That was so powerful... The shock just makes me wanna cry... I'm pretty speechless right now...
WOW! I LOVED your story.It was soo good.I loved it and was wondering if you were going to write any more Hanson stories??!
i really like your ending and don't listen to people who chewed you out. it was a good way to end it and i appreciate you writing it altogether. I LOVED IT!! thanx a ton!
Well first of all I loved the story so much! It was so touching it almost made me cry at the end. I just want to say it is the best fictional Hanson story that I have ever read! It was absolutely wonderful!
My GOD! That was incredible! I can't believe you killed the main character! I tried to write like that once and it turned out shit, so you deserve a medal! I loved the birthday present that Taylor gave her. That was so cute! It was so sudden. I just read it five minuted ago and I'm still not over it. Your story is far better than all the others that are on the net. Congratulations! I say get it published with all the other Hanson stories. That was really great!
I really liked your story. But, I don't get your ending that much. I mean she died so why is that the day the music died? did Hanson like stop performing when she died. Or was she what was inspiring Hanson and was she the reason for the music so that when she died, the music died as well? I tried to read your little thing at the end that said something like this: "now that you've finished the story, read this". But, when I clicked on that nothing came up. Is it there at all? Anyway, you have a really great writing style and I enjoyed your story a lot.
Your story is GREAT! It's sad too, though
The story was pretty good...but the ending was kinda weird....i dunno...it could've been better...
That story was a bit morbid, don't ya think? I mean kids might be reading this. But other than that I think your story rocked. All the other stories end in all these happy endings and stuff, yours was a definate twist.
the ending of that story was gross
Before I start with the comments, I'd just like to say that I don't mean to offend you, or your style of writing, this is just what I think. I think the ending was a little abrupt. It just ended, and there was no explination.
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So what do you think??