The Murf Gallery

Simon, at age 9+, was definitely a senior citizen.

I had him since he was born (he's that tiny bunny face in the nest box.)

Little ol' "Tickle-Me Simon" continues to inspire the Simon Collection of HAREWARE.

I make containers--some large, some small, with lids that fit snugly.

Here is a vase with two Simons just hanging on, and another with a reflective, pensive Simie.

People seem to enjoy wearing little Simon pendants. They come on an adjustable satiny cord.
And, by request, I now make little uppy-eared pendants for the non-Simons of the world.

Here is a pensive Simon bowl (I love making the pensive Simon!) in green, and a very intricate Simon bowl in blue (with my first ever cabbage).

These bunny bottles feature a begging bunny and a sitting bunny.

I make itty bitty bottles with little bitty bunny stoppers.

This container was my contribution to the HRS Auction and brought in $250 for needy rabbits.

Meanwhile, I rescued MURPHY BROWN, aka "Da Murf." He was full of life and mischief. See that gleam in his eye?

Murf thrived on adventure. He was the antithesis to Simon, the Inert.

So I began The Murphy Collection. This is the Dancing Bunny bowl.

This is a Murf Hare Jar!

Murf, alas now MurfGhostie, left us all too soon.

I made his memorial garden stone. He continues to inspire pottery.

Want to see even more? Come see...
The Beloved Wally Wiresnips !

I do sell some of my artwork on a limited basis. For information, email me!

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