Press statement released by JUST on 4 September 1998
A plea for justice
It is a pity that Prime Minister and Umno President Dr Mahathir Mohamad has chosen not to give any reason for the sacking of Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim from the Cabinet and the party. The general public and the Umno membership are entitled to know why Dr Mahathir had to make such a drastic decision. This is their fundamental right as citizens of a democracy.
Instead of providing an official explanation for the sacking, the media is indulging in an orgy of lies and half-truths designed to character-assassinate Anwar Ibrahim. Unsubstantiated allegations made in affidavits which have not been subjected to the judicial process should never be manipulated by the media for ulterior motives. By conniving in such a despicable act, the Mahathir-controlled Malaysian media has disgraced itself. It is a vile example of trial and execution by the media.
The misuse of the affidavits in the "Nalla case" also reflects badly upon the Police, the Attorney-General’s office and the Judiciary. It shows that institutions of state charged with upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice have become pliable instruments in the hands of the powerful.
From media reports, Anwar not only denies all the allegations made against him but also insists that justice be done. And indeed it would be a travesty of justice if he is detained without trial under the Internal Security Act (ISA). Anwar should be given a chance to defend himself in an open court. There are laws that can deal with all the allegations made against him – from sexual misdemeanours to corruption to being a foreign agent – and for that reason there is no basis for using the ISA against him. The use of the ISA against Anwar would be seen by the public as a cruel and cowardly attempt to silence an individual who is determined to prove his innocence through the normal legal process.
If he is going to be charged under any of the ordinary laws of the land, Anwar should be given a fair trial. It is important to emphasise this, given the prevailing perceptions of the Judiciary, reinforced by the recent Lim Guan Eng verdict.
Finally, Anwar’s supporters, however angry they may be by his sacking, should not do anything that can be construed as transgression of the law. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that peace and calm prevail.
--Dr Chandra Muzaffar, President, International Movement for a Just World