Social Security #:______________D.O.B.___________DL#___________________ Sponsor:_____________________ID/Account#___________________
I do hereby apply to be a New Body Products Distributor and if my application is accepted, I agree to do the following:
I will purchase a $40.00 NEW BODY products (hereinafter called the company) Distributor Sale Kit. I will also pay an $5.00 yearly renewal fee
I am an independent Distributor. At no time will I imply that I am an officer, employee, agent or owner of NEW BODY Products. I cannot, nor will I attempt to, bind the Company in any manner or enter into any contract on behalf of the Company.
I will at all times abide by any and all Federal,State, County and Municipal laws, rules and regulations of every nature in connection with holding,selling,advertising and distributing NEW BODY products, at my own expense. I specifically understand that NEW BODY products are not intended for or to be sold as a cure,ameliorative or palliative for any disease or ailment, and that they are for nutritional and dietary purposes.
I agree that any sales promotion, newsletters or bulletins, advertising matter, or other literature that I may receive from time to time from the Company will not be employed in any way in my re-sale of NEW BODY products unless and until written authorization to do so has been issued by the company.
I further agree that no oral claim or representation other than as contained in Company approved material will be made by me to any purchaser of NEW BODY Product. I understand that in the event any of the foregoing provisions are violated by me, my authority to purchase and to re-sell NEW BODY Products is subject to cancellation.
I cannot sell,assign or transfer my Distributorship without prior ritten Approval from the Company. Such Approval will not be unreasonably withheld.
I agree to adhere to the current NEW BODY Products Marketing Plan (as described in the Distributor Sales Kit) and any modifications that the Company finds necessary to make.
I will not copy or duplicate (or allow to be copied or duplicated) any sales aids or other literature without prior approval of the Company.

  • DATE SIGNED:_________________________________________________
  • SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT:______________________________________

