Y-SNORE Anti Snoring Nose Drops
Slack soft palate (Respiratory tract muscle).
Incorrect sleeping posture
Nasal Cavity disease
Nervous system control inequilibrium.
Affected by obesity,high blood pressure and
heart blood vesses disease.
Y-Snore Drops produced by utilizing natural medicinal
herbs.Long term application is definitely safe with no side effects.
Y-SNORE Marketing
On going national P.R by a leading New Yprk Agency.
Y-Snore will be seen on national network news,TV and radio talk show and
articles in major magazines.
Regional Cable T.V. Advertising
Regional FSI's
Three out of five people snore at various degrees of severity
Affects all age groups
Affects personal relationships
There are over 140-million people who have a snoring problem
1111712...Ysnore Anti-Snoring Nasal Spray..20ml price $16.99