~~ Ed's Herp Page ~~


...is the study of amphibians and reptiles and not some form of communicable desease as some may think.

My interest in these fascinating creatures began a few years back while working as a volunteer for the Massachusetts Herp Atlas Project. This was a five year effort (1992 - 1996) by over 150 volunteers in an attempt to document local herps across the state.

The purpose of this documentation will help herpetologists and biologists determine any fluctuations of species and/or populations in the future. One of the findings of the HAP was that northern leopard frogs were only found in a few isolated areas. It is believed that these frogs were very common throughout the state just a few decades ago, but scientists cannot use "childhood memories" to assume that these frogs may be in trouble and disappearing from our state or, if they were only found in certain areas all along.

On the bright side, another finding of the HAP found that spotted salamanders were more common than originally thought. In fact ,they were found pretty much state-wide! These critters are not easily seen because they normally only come out from their underground haunts during one or two weeks in early spring, normally only at night and usually when it's raining! It was only through the efforts of dedicated volunteers that this finding was made.

Favorite Herp Links:

Western Massachusetts Amphibian Photos
Check out some of my favorite frog and toad pictures.
The Frogs of New England
Everything you wanted to know, and more!
The Vernal Pool
Find out what they are, who lives there and even how to certify them.
An Interactive Guide to Massachusetts Snakes
An excellent source for identification as well as other useful info.
Visit Dorota's frog pages...an incredible journey.
Many helpful links found here.
New England Herpetological Society
An interesting club with interesting active members.
WWW Virtual Library of Herpetology
More links!

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