Hello, my name is Tommy. I'm a divorced (12 years) father of two. My son, Todd,
is a 1997 graduate of Western Kentucky University. He is currently job hunting
and driving a truck for Southern Welding while he waits. (And loving it!) My daughter, Bethany, is a Senior
at Bowling Green High School and totally immersed in playing basketball. (After taking care of her new son!) Myself, I'm 53 years old
and still feeling good!
I live in a fairly small town in Southern Kentucky named Bowling Green.
It's big enough to offer a lot of things, but small enough to be cozy in.
Hobbies - I love to garden! I guess it just goes back to loving to eat!
This year is just starting and is shaping up to be a good one!
I decided to try my hand at perennial gardening last year and really enjoying it. It will teach me patience! *LOL* Things are looking good for the 2nd year, though!
I also love to fish! Bass, catfish, trout, doesn't matter! I sometimes
think that it's not so much the fishing, but sitting on the creek bank
relaxing that is the real reward!
Thanks for stopping by! Below are some links I enjoy, along with a photo album
and assorted things. Come back and visit my page again!