Location data:

  • Address:

  • Technical University of Budapest,
    Department of Steel Structures
    1111 Budapest XI.
    Bertalan Lajos utca 2.
    Building "Z", No. 810.

  • Postal address:

  • H-1521 Budapest
    P. O. B. 91

  • Phone of Secretariat:

  • 36 - 1 - 463 - 1804
    36 - 1 - 463 - 1812

  • Direct Fax of Secretariat:

  • 36 - 1 - 463 - 3449

  • Central Phone of University:

  • 36 - 1 - 463 - 1111

  • Central Fax of University:

  • 36 - 1 - 463 - 1110

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Welcome to the
Department of Steel Structures
at the Technical University of Budapest

This is a temporary contact sheet to the Department and the staff,
while a final homepage will be launched to the WWW.

Staff members

(Final four digits of direct phone number
36 - 1 - 463 - nnnn are given below.)

  • Research Officiers:
  • Dr. Kálló, Miklós ............1873 Kaltenbach, László ...........1656 Dr. Köröndi, László ..........1872 Dr. Kristóf, László ..........1661 Dr. Tomka, Pál ...............1660
  • PhD Students:
  • Kiss, Kornél .................1779 Kotormán, István .............1825 V. Nagy, Zoltán ..............1779
  • Administrative Staff:
  • Ms. Fegyó - Veres, Irén ......1812 Ms. Mikulás - Fegyó, Piroska .1812
  • Technicians:
  • Baffia, Róbert ...............1873 Ugró, László .................1657