QUESTION: How do you like this welcome?

RINGO: So, this is America. They all seem out of their minds.

QUESTION: Why are your speaking voices different from your singing voices?

GEORGE: We don't have a musical backround.

QUESTION: Do you like fish-and-chips?

RINGO: Yes, but I like steak-and-chips better.

QUESTION: How tall are you?

RINGO: Two feet, nine inches.

QUESTION: Paul, what do you think of columnist Walter Winchell?

PAUL: He said im married and I'm not.

GEORGE: Maybe he wants to marry you!

QUESTION: How did you find America?

RINGO: We went to Greenland and made a left turn.

QUESTION: Is it true you can't sing?

JOHN: (Points to George) Not me. Him.

QUESTION: Why don't you smile, George?

GEORGE: It'll hurt my lips.

QUESTION: What's your reaction to a Seattle psychiatrist's opinion that you are a menace?

GEORGE: Psychiatrists are a menace.

QUESTION: What's this about an annual illness, George?

GEORGE: I get cancer every year.

QUESTION: Where would you like to go if all the security wasn't necessary?

JOHN: Harlem.

QUESTION: How do you feel about other Beatle-type groups?

JOHN: The Rolling Stones are personal friends of ours. They are most creative and beginning to write good songs.

QUESTION: Do you plan to record any antiwar songs?

JOHN: All our songs are antiwar.

QUESTION: When you do a new song, how do you decide who sings the lead?

JOHN: We just get together and whoever knows most of the words sings the lead.

QUESTION: How does it feel putting on the whole world?

RINGO: We enjoy it.

PAUL: We aren't really putting you on.

GEORGE: Just a bit of it.

JOHN: How does it feel to be put on?

QUESTION: What's your reaction to composer Aaron Copland, who found the Beatles' music interesting, and Richard Rodgers, who found it boring?

PAUL: I like anyone who says he likes our music. I don't mind Richard Rodgers saying he finds it boring, but I must add that I find Richard Rodger's music boring. And I'm not being nasty, Richard.

QUESTION: George, how do you feel about the nightclub, Arthur, named after your hairstyle?

GEORGE: I was proud, until I saw the nightclub.

QUESTION: What do you consider the most important thing in life?


PAUL: I once knew a fellow on the Dingle who had two dads. He used to call them Number One Dad and Number Two Dad. Now apparently Number One Dad wasn't nice. He used to throw the boy on the fire, which can develop a lot of complexes in a young lad.

RINGO: I remember my uncle putting a red-hot poker on me, and that's no lie. He was trying to frighten me.

PAUL: Tell me Ringo, do all your relatives go round applying red-hot pokers to you?

JOHN: It's the only way they can identify them.

PAUL: You see, Ringo comes from a depressed area.

JOHN: Some people call it the slums.

RINGO: No, the slums are farther.

QUESTION: How important is politics to the Beatles?

JOHN: I get spasms of being intellectual. I read a bit about politics, but I don't think I'd vote for anyone. No message from any of those phony politicians is coming through to me.

QUESTION: Is it fun being the Beatles?

GEORGE: We've always had laughs. Sometimes we find ourselves hytsterical, especially when we're tired. We laugh at soft remarks the majority of people don't get.

QUESTION: What frightens you the most?

JOHN: The thing I'm afraid of is I'm growing old. I hate that. You get old and you've missed it somehow. The old always resent the young and vice versa.

RINGO: I'd like to end up, sort of, unforgettable.

QUESTION: Ringo, why are you always so quiet?

RINGO: I don't like talking. It's how I'm built. Some people gab all day and some people play it smogo. I don't mind talking or smiling. I just don't do it very much. I haven't got a smiling face or a talking mouth.

QUESTION: What will you do when the Beatles disband?

JOHN: We're not going to fizzle out in half a day. But afterwards I'm not going to change into a tap-dancing musical. I'll just develop what I'm doing at the moment, although whatever I say now I'll change my mind next week. I mean, we all know that bit about, "It won't be the same when you're twenty-five." I could care less. This isn't show business. It's something else. This is different from anything that anybody imagines. You don't go on from this. You do this and then you finish.