I come from an island where it’s always spring
Where the waters splash and the parrots sing
And I’ve never, never, never seen such a thing as snow.
Plumitas de hielo que caen del cielo
Brillan en mis ojos y blanquean mi pelo
Y nunca, nunca, nunca ve la nieve caer.
It takes some getting used to
When it’s melting on my face
It takes some getting used to
When I’m used to the sun of a warmer place

But now I like on an island where the streets are old
And my room feels empty and my feet get cold
And I wish for somewhere better to go
Then once in a while something soft and clean
Falls and covers it over in a quiet scene
And although I’m far from the things I love and know,
I begin to think I’m beginning to think I like snow

Con la cara mojada y fria
Toma tiempo acostumbrarse
Toma tiempo acostumbrarse
Cuando vienes de clima tropical

But now I live on an island where the streets are old
And my room feels empty and my feet get cold
And I wish for somewhere better to go
Pero a veces con su magia empieza a caer
Y todo en blanco se puede ver
Y aunque estoy muy lejos de mi isla en el tropical
I begin to think I’m beginning to think I like snow.