305/42. Not Fade Away

Episode credits and cast

Episode descriptions

Episode disclaimer


Writer... John Schulian
Director... T. J. Scott
Original Air Date... Nov. 4, 1996


Hercules... Kevin Sorbo
Iolaus... Michael Hurst
Enforcer... Karen Sheperd
Enforcer II... Cynthia Rothrock
Alcmene... Liddy Holloway
Jason... Jeffrey Thomas
Hades... Erik Thomson
Persephone... Andrea Croton
Skouros... Bruce Allpress



No Bootie-kicking, Chop-sakiing, She-Monsters from Tartarus were harmed during the production of this motion picture. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the Temple!

304/41. Mummy Dearest -- Previous/Next -- 306/43. Monster Child in the Promised Land

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