Walter Hale Odneal was born in Moniteau Co., MO Feb 7, 1841. He married Eliza Hammond July 27, 1862, they had three children, William Grant, Sarah Ellen, and Walter Sherman (died at three years old). Walter Hale, his son George Green and nine other men organized The Prairie School about 1867. Walter Hale also taught at the school. He was elected as a Republican Representative of Mercer Co. MO three times, 1890-92, 1894-96, and 1902-04. Walter stated his one claim to fame was getting the legislation passed (called the Goose Act). A next door neighbor had geese that kept getting on Walter's lawn. He had it passed through the legislature that all geese in the city limits had to be contained. Mary said she had studied about this in school. He and his son William Grant also had a bookkeeping service.
The known descendants of Walter Hale Odneal are traced through:
William Grant Odneal was born May 19, 1864 in Mercer Co., MO He married Mary Jane Girdner April 23, 1899 in Mercer Co., MO. William Grant wrote this about his mother, "Eliza (Hammond) Odneal, it is undated.
The subject of this sketch was born in Windsor County, Vermont, August 3, 1841. Her father moved to Illinois in 1853, where she graduated under the instruction of Prof. Newton Bateman. In 1856 the family removed to Missouri, settling in Mercer County. She here began teaching in the Public Schools, continuing to teach for a period of 36 years.
She was married to Walter H. Odneal in July 1862, Rev. Joseph A. Kennedy officiating. In January 1863, she was converted and united with the M. E. Church, living a consistent member to her death.
During the last 18 years of her life she was actively engaged in Literary work, being a regular Reporter for several publications in North Missouri. Besides this, her articles were found in Educational & Religious Journals. She was intensely patriotic and many were the poems she composed along this line.
She was ever ready to take a stand for right regardless of the frowns and jeers of any one. She fought the Liquor Traffic with all her might; never failing to raise her voice for Temperance whenever opportunity offered, either, in
private conversation or from the public rostrum.
Many were the obituaries she was asked to write and always responded. Although busily engaged in active work, she never ceased to be a faithful companion and loving mother in her home life. She was very broad in her religious views; not being tied to any sect or division of the Christian Religion. Although not believing in Catholicism, she greatly admired the character and life of Pope Leo, whose life she was reading when stricken with her last illness.
She departed this life on the eve of Nov. 9, 1903 surrounded by her loving companion, two children and a number of relatives and friends. She died shouting "Glory! Glory! I'm going Home" Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. R. Harper assisted by Rev. McAllen from text, "For to me to live is Christ; to die is gain."
The funeral services were held at the residence on Nov. 11, after which all that was mortal was laid away in the Odneal Cemetery to await the Great Judgement Day.
Written by Grant"
William Grant was killed by lighting trying to get the team of horses and the farm workers out of the hay fields where they were working. Mary Jane, his widow, said she could not run a farm with just a bunch of boys. She had a big sale of livestock and farm equipment, packed up the children and moved into town, Harris, MO. The farm land is still in the family with the profits shared by Irene Odneal Triplett and the heirs of Robert Dale Odneal and Paulyne Odneal Decker.
They had six children.
A. Nova Grant ODNEAL was born May 19, 1900 in Harris, Sullivan Co., MO. He married Maggie May APPLEGATE June 26, 1920 in Bethany, Sullivan Co., MO. They had two children. Nova was a commerical fisherman in CA. He died Mar. 25, 1986 and Maggie died Sept. 3, 1987 both in Turlock, CA. They are both buried at Memorial Park in Turlock, CA. Maggie's father enticed the young newly weds to follow him to the land of milk & honey (California).
B. Winifred Irene ODNEAL was born Nov. 1, 1901 in Harris, Sullivan Co., MO. She married Russell Hedgeman Triplett May 26, 1943 and they decided to go to California with Nova and Maggie. They had four children. Winifried Irene worked as payroll clerk of the local cannery and later the Employment Development Department. People sought her out when in search of assistance as they knew she knew more than the others; that they could trust her to do the best for them that the law allowed. Mother Irene would say "In Missouri, the Odneal name was very well respected." Another amazing person in this family is Irene's daughter Marillyn. She and her mother live together with Marillyn maintaining a big house where Irene (now 95) can still be comfortable, walking around seeing familiar surroundings. Despite having lost her hearing when five years old, she started public school just a year late with her mom accompanying her daily. The next year her sister (Betty) started school and took over helping watch out for "the awful California drivers" . She was able to complete her schooling in the public school system and ended her work career as an office manager where she had many responsibilities: hiring of office personnel, record keeping, government reporting, purchasing, etc., etc. She is a person many of us only read about in success reports. Truly, much of this was done not for dollars but out of LOVE. Her hobbies were playing the piano in the family music. Russell was a truck driver, worked on Oil rigs and about anything else that would keep him outdoors and allow him to provide for his family. His hobbies wer gardening and palying the harmonica. Russell died Sept. 1, 1963 and is buried at Turlock Memorial Park in Turlock, CA. Winifred Irene ODNEAL is still living in Turlock, CA as of this writting (Jan 11, 1998) and I believe she is the oldest living Odneal.
C. Dale Reginald ODNEAL was born Sept. 1, 1903 in Harris, Sullivan Co., MO. He married Helen Frances MERIWETHER Sept. 7, 1929 in Reno, NV. They had one child. Dale worked for Metropolitian Life Ins. Co. and Helen was a homemaker. Dale's hobby was playing a clarinet in the family music. Dale died Dec. 31, 1983 and Helen died Feb. 12, 1983. They are both burie at Parkview Cemetery in Stockton, CA.
D. Paul Glenwood ODNEAL was born May 5, 1907 in Harris, Sullivan Co., MO. He married Donna GAYLORD, they divorced and he then married Lulu Mae PARKER. There were no children from either marriage. Paul was a pilot and owned Copperclad Airways and Air School. Paul's hobby was playing a saxaphone in the family music. He died Mar. 27, 1936 in Phoenix, AZ.
E. Mildred Paulyne ODNEAL was born May 15, 1909 in Harris, Sullivan Co., MO. She married John Sheldon DECKER Mar. 14, 1926 in Jackson, CA. They had four children. Mildred was a elementary teacher and librarian. and hobbies were knitting and travel. John sold Farm chemicals and hobbies were gardening and playing the harmonica. Mildred died july 29, 1973 1nd John died Apr. 21, 1974 in Turlock, CA.. They are both buried at Memorial Park in Turlock, CA.
F. Mary Evelyn ODNEAL was born and died Aug. 22, 1913 in Harris, Sullivan Co., MO. She is buried at Harris Cemetery, Harris, Sullivan Co., MO.
Sarah Ellen Odneal married Francis Marion Kobbe April 17, 1887, they had two children. The family moved west in 1904 by railroad which terminated at Mackay, ID. They bought a 380 acre ranch near May, ID in the Salmon River country. They raised sheep on high land and hay on irrigated lowlands. They spent the winter of 1918 on the coast of Oregon at Bandon, thinking the lower elevation would help Ellie's health. In the spring of 1919 they found a 960 acre ranch in Douglas Co., OR near Oakland. Francis and Aubrey raised sheep, set out a prune orchard, designed and built a prune dryer. In 1925 they took a three month car trip to the east coast, built a two story house and later raised turkeys. Aubrey married Nettie Adams in May 1926. Francis did blacksmithing and gardening. Ellie was a capable housewife and also did handiwork. In the 1940's the Red Cross provided yarn and she volunteered her time to knit ever so many socks for them. Francis died Sept 1944 of hardening of the arteries. Ellie went to live with her daughter Ethel during 1949. She died July 1953. They are both buried in Kellogg Cemetery, Douglas Co., OR near Oakland.
A. Ethel KOBBE born Feb. 9, 1888 in Harris, Sullivan Co., MO. She married Edward Mulvania Oct. 3, 1915 in Mackay, ID. They had six children. Ethel died in 1953 and Edward died Jan. 17, 1965. They are both buried in Cloverdale Cemetery, Boise, ID.
B. Aubrey Odneal KOBBE was born Aug. 19, 1892 in Princeton, Mercer Co., MO. He married Netta Hurst ADAMS May 25, 1926 in Eugene, OR. They had two children Aubrey died Nov. 28, 1984 and Netta died Aug. 31, 1989 both in Roseburg, OR and both are buried in Kellogg Cemetery, Douglas Co., OR near Oakland.
Walter was born Apr. 4, 1869 and died Mar. 1, 1872, both in Mercer Co., MO. He is buried in Harris Cemetery, Harris, MO.